(Devil of Dance) - Swan Feathers and Steel

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Once (Y/N) had finally reached and entered the vague, largely abandoned fire station, he breathed a sigh or relief. Taking off a large trench coat that covered his easily recognizable neon accented black sweater. He closed the large door behind him and discarded his disguise. He made his way over to a valve on the side of a wall, turning it right a few times, left twice. Then-

???: "Hello Devil of Dance. Or, should I say (Y/N)."

In a lightning quick response he brought out his iPod quickly, ready to hit the play button. Spinning around to see the silhouette of a woman in the nearby shadows. His finger hovered a mere inch above the play button on his iPod as his eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, a slight glow of a cigar could be seen in the shadows, a few black feathers sticking out as the gentle passing winds within the seemingly abandoned building caused them to dance around slightly.

(Y/N)'s trigger finger relaxed as he shoved his iPod back into his right jean pocket, lowering his hoodie. He confidently stepped towards the figure his boots' clapping against the concrete, the figure responded by stepping out into the light with the distinct sound of the clacking of high heels. Revealing a slim, sinister woman, she gave him a little friendly wave. (Y/N) nodded towards her and spoke, instantly recognizing her through her chosen attire of a leathery feathered ebony dress.

(Y/N): "Black Swan. Celynne it's been awhile."

He said, removing his earbuds. Stepping towards and continuing to turn the valve until he pushed it inwards. The floor beneath his feet opened up, to reveal a secret entrance. (Y/N)'s Villainous Lair.

Black Swan: "Heard you broke out the others at the Jail, figured you'd come back here as soon as possible"

She stated, the Devil nodded in response.

(Y/N): "You know what nobody says, you just can't keep a bad guy down."

He shook his head while saying this with an evil grin plastered onto his face. But very soon dropped his friendly facade.

(Y/N): "Alright Celynne, let's cut to the chase. You're not here for some friendly reunion aren't you?"

She shook her head.

Black Swan: "No, sadly I'm here in more serious terms."

(Y/N): "It involves her right?"

She knew exactly who (Y/N) meant. His arch nemesis Ultrette, who had defeated him toe to toe weeks before. All because his iPod battery ran out mid fight.

Black Swan: "I have a way for you to finally beat her."

(Y/N): "Is that so?"

The girl nodded. Handing him a pamphlet.

Black Swan: "Best of all, you might not even need your little iPod to help."

(Y/N) chuckled jokingly, looking at her as if she'd just asked him to build her a mansion.

(Y/N): "You're joking right? That's suicide."

She didn't respond. Only urged him further to take the pamphlet. So he did, pulling it from her grasp to take a look at it himself. It was a new piece of information distributed by Vaughn Technologies. More or less just tech-savvy crap about the future and other unimportant stuff (Y/N) never really cared about. But one thing caught his eye, Vaughn Technologies have actually been able to complete a functioning humanoid combat unit meant for army purposes, the Type-1 IU. Battery life equates to 48 hours, while his iPod usually lasted up to 21.5 hours when just playing music. Though he had a bad habit of constantly playing music while doing everyday tasks which means that his battery performance isn't always at full charge when confronted. This sparked an idea in his head, mounting speakers on these robots as backup.

(Y/N): "This is interesting..."

Black Swan: "I also have a score to settle with Little Miss Perfect Superhero. And you are the only one who has ever gotten close to defeating her toe to toe, so naturally after I heard about the breakout, I went off to find you."

(Y/N): "But how should we even acquire these robots anyways. You do know Vaughn Technologies has the most advanced security systems in the city, hell maybe even in the whole country. And you're not using your seductive aura on me this time Celynne."

She raised her arms defensively as soon as she saw him getting argumentative. 

Black Swan: "Relax (Y/N), why would you want to break into Vaughn Technologies. When the Technology can just come to us?

(Y/N): "Wha?"

He asked, confused.

???: "It's obvious that I don't only supply the Supers."

The voice of the CEO himself. (Y/N) turned to see the suited young man at the opened door. Striding towards him with a sinister grin.

Seymour Vaughn: "No, Black Swan doesn't have me under influence either. She doesn't need to anyways. She's already beautiful enough."

Black Swan: "Flattering..."

Vaughn: "Listen (L/N), you may not have known this. But my company has been providing your villain friends with technology and weapons for a long time now."

(Y/N): "But Why... and How?"

Vaughn: "There's a lot more shade to business than you common folk realize. Righteousness isn't really a necessity for me, after all money has to come somewhere. The Silver Union never really payed enough so I had to seek the second best source. Krentist has always been delighted to buy some of my stuff to pass it off as his own."

(Y/N): "Explains his ray gun..."

Vaughn: "Now, I've decided to let some of you have... let's just say a Free Trial. I'll give you some of Vaughn Tech's newest innovations and let's see how they perform against the most formidable of foes, before I really start distributing them to militaries around the world."

(Y/N): "Um... sure. How many do you have available."

Vaughn: "Four in the truck right outside. You up for it?"

(Y/N): "I'll take all of them."

He shrugged. 

Devil of Dance (Male Supervillain Reader) A Reader Insert Adventure.Where stories live. Discover now