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   .•Just Love Me Back•.

   •••A Chaera Fanfin•••

            •Chapter 4•

Dara's POV

For the next two days, I was an emotional wreck. I must have used at least 3 kleenex boxes. I spent these night on my Ipad because I wanted to be alone. I watched sad movies, thats how I cope with things like this. I know I want Chae, but Jiyoung cheating on me was just heartbreaking. I finally decided to clean myself up and go to the club. I put on a simple party dress and did a smoky eye makeup. A little bit of tinted lip gloss. My hair was in a high ponytail. I left a note for Bom, and said I was going for Ramen. I didn't want her following me. This is my night. I'll most likely regret what I'll do, but it'll help. I hope. I took a bus to the local club, and showed the guard my ID. I took a seat near the barista. "Hey! Do you want something?" He asked. "Umm yeah actually. I'll have a round of scotch." "Alright alright! On the house just for you little lady." The man said as he grabbed the glass. I took a moment to look at his features.  He had really pretty brown eyes and a somewhat bowl haircut, but it worked with his brown hair and his face structure. I looked at his nametag. 'Lay' it said. Hm. Nice name. "So, how long have you been working here?" I asked. "3,4 years?" He replied. I smiled. I was about to say something when somebody made a grand entrance into the place. She had long, blonde hair with electric blue streaks and the tips were black. She had an eyebrow piercing and piercings all along the sides of her ears. She had a mixture of black, brown and grey eyeshadow on, winged black eyeliner, false lashes and bright blue eyes, which I think might be contacts. Her outfit consisted of a tight red dress, with a black hem, that stopped mid-thigh. It came with a leather jacket, black pearl earrings, a white necklace and tall black high heels. It took me several seconds to notice that that's Chaerin. She walked over here, grabbed my scotch, and head over to a table that had 6 or 7 boys. One of them was Jiyoung. "I just dumped your sorry ass and you're already looking for new women? Man whore." She said. I wanted to give her a high five. Oo's came from his friends. She took out bright red lipstick and coated it on her lips. She kissed his cheek, and then whispered loudly, "goodbye." As she poured the scotch on his head and rubbed it through his hair. She waves her fingers at the other boys and smirked. I SO wanted to tap that. What? I mean girl power woooo! Oh screw it. I love her. Goodgirl and Badgirl. Bad girl was kind of hot after all. I want to be loved. I want to feel love. She came over and said "thanks for the scotch." And kissed Lay's forehead, and then mine. "Toodles!" She said as she waved her fingers at us. We were left in awe. What just happened? What happened to her? Oh, well back to the whole love thing. I decided to get wasted. I had 21 glasses of scotch before I stopped. Is this what being on acid feels like? I stumbled over to a table full of boys, and grabbed one to the dance floor. Basically what happened, is we made out, made out, and made out. I felt hands drag me away from the boy and lead me to a car. "You shouldn't drive Dara. You're drunk." The voice said. "Nuh uh pretty lady.." I mumbled. She chuckled. We ended it a while ago. It's going to stay ended. Sorry. I do care about you though. Just not in that way." She said. I realized who was talking to me. It was Chaerin. I fell asleep in the back of her car, and when I woke, i was in my bedroom, looking at the sunlight, having an extreme hangover. 


still kind of short but 2 updates in one night? Cmon give me some credit here lol hope you liked this intersting chapter. Okay not that interesting but oh well byeeee

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