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About a month after everything went down and all the ops are just chilling in a meeting room with a nice temp of 65° degrees. Okay now that everyone is calmed I want to know what went on when you both were at that island harry says.

Well you see there was this big guy who put him through a table we thought he was dead and moved up to the third floor well fat ass was still alive and took all three of us to the basement by falling through the third second and first floor it was a painful experience dragon says. That wasn't your first time there I know it what are you both hiding about that place harry says.

I fell through the floor before then the police showed up saint says. Yeah it was not fun five kids 11 angry adults and one beat down dragon says. beat down? Harry says. A cellphone rings to dragons shock it's saints phone that usually never goes off getting looks. Who is it? Dragon asks. The phone is answered and hung up just as fast. Fuck you stop calling saint says the phone is tossed to a wall where it breaks. Who was it who called what happened who are you saying fuck to? Dragon asks. I can't catch a break can I? Harry says. Her father died she won't leave me the fuck alone saint says.

Sorry harry continue with what you were saying dragon says. Oh yes what beat down anyway are you talking about and how many times have you two been there harry asks. ThThey saw some old faces in a hidden room harry smoke says. To many times to count and yeah we did they were dead dragon says. Okay how many times have to both gone through a floor in your lives? Harry asks.

Lots we went through the islands floor about five year's ago the casino floor about a year back and three floors about a month ago and some more I can't think of dragon says. Also there not my ops we all are friends here isn't that right sledge Harry says. Yeah it is harry we all are friends here sledge says. So how long has this team been a thing for dragon asks.

Since the 80's these ops only got here cause there parents made sure they were ready for anything that could come anytime of day or night making them more ready then what there training would have if they went one place mike taught a lot to them also cause yeah he is there harry says.

I broke my... phone Saint says looking at the broken phone. No shit Sherlock dragon says. Why are we here why did we all have to enter the room for you three to talk anyway thatcher asks. Cause these two are the only ones who have a constantly changing fighting style harry says. Okay I get it alright I apologized already sledge says.

You know what we are over this talk take a team to Russia thermite Germany take a team tachanka pick and go watch that mask base you all took down see if we left anything behind double trouble I'm am sticking you both with caveira to Brazil with you three got reports of lion running a suspicious bag all over the place harry says.

What are we gonna do with lion harry bring him back kill him let caveira deal with him we need to know in advance dragon asks. Your choice just get what you can out of him if nothing comes out kill him if anything else kill him so basically just kill him any way will do harry says. The chosen ops get going on there way to there mission ways.

In the chopper.

So how was it? Dragon asks. Can you both not have this conversation now Caveira asks. Right so remember the last time we went to Brazil and how bad it ended? Dragon says. Wish I could forget like many other things saint says. You have interested me why were you both in Brazil and how long ago Caveira asks.

4 years ago I put him through a wall then these crazy drugged up mother fuckers started a gunfight it was like we were fighting a entire country bullets everywhere flying near our heads we were originally there to see if our lead was correct they were we both caught a couple rounds it hurt like a bitch dragon says. Crazy bitch jumped me from a roof carving my chest up he saved my ass but ruined my tattoo saint says. So how are we gonna deal with this lion situation on our hands? Dragon says.

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