496 14 3

He guided me down a few steps before a wooden door appeared.
He cracked the door open revealing a poorly lit room and in the center was the man that I cared for "Sasuke!" I screamed his head jolted up, so many bruises and cuts on his face.

He was strapped to a chair, "Hinata!" His voice made my heart crumble he was in pain. I struggled out of Naruto's grip and ran over to him "Sasuke I'm so sorry" my voice cracked this was all because of me, I held on to him as if he would slip away "Hina so nice of you to join us" Nathan walked out from the darkness and Naruto stood by his side.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Nathan! Why did you have to do this?"

"He took you away from me! He deserves everything he got" I could see the dried blood on his knuckles "I warned you Sasuke but unfortunately you didn't listen but you know what's more interesting? when I got Naruto to investigate you I realised that this wasn't the first time we had interacted" he smirked

"What?" Sasuke looked confused "let me clarify...Hina I'm sure you're wondering why Sasuke even moved into your apartment building...well did you know Sasuke was previously married to a woman called Sakura-"
"How do you know about her fucking bastard!" Sasuke screamed "let me finish, Sakura died or should I say was killed, cause of death 12 stabs wounds to the chest, why? His father is wealthy and I happened to do business with him and things went left and I lost a lot of money. His father had to pay so I got Naruto to break into the Uchiha compound and kill him but no one was home only Sasuke's beautiful wife Sakura" Nathan laughed

"You killed her! I'll fucking KILL YOU" tears streamed down his face as he fought against his restraints.
My body froze trying to process what Nathan said...he was a monster.
"Naruto shut him up" Nathan ordered

"Please, Nathan don't hurt him!" I held Sasuke with my back facing them, Sasuke continued to cry against my chest.
"Are you seriously in love him?" There was disgust in his voice "y-yes" Sasuke looked at me "I'm in love with you" I repeated, Sasuke stayed quiet.

I could hear footsteps walking towards me and a hand grabs my shirt trying to pull me away "let me go!" "Listen Hinata I'll release Sasuke if you come back to me, my eyes widen at his words "if you don't I'll have Naruto end him" Nathan whispered in my ear. "Fine" I pushed Nathan away from me.
"Hinata lets go" he held me by the waist
"Get your hands off her!...don't go Hinata I can't lose you too" Sasuke pleaded Nathan opened another door

"I love you too Hinata" my heart broke even more at Sasuke's words but this was the only way Nathan wouldn't kill him.

"Naruto take him home we're done here" Nathan shut the door behind the both of us.

I dropped to the floor "why do you always do this to me? Don't you know you're hurting me Nathan"
I felt Nathan pick me up "Hina...I love you and I don't want to hurt you but you make me do these things" he leaned in for a kiss but I moved my face away "I hate you" venom in my voice "you won't for long" he carried me up a few steps before emerging into the main house.

I need to know if Sasuke is okay I have to contact him or try and leave this place...but how?

"Hina" his voice drew me out of my thoughts "lay down I'll join you in a minute" he placed me on the bed and left the room. This place brought back good memories and ones where I cried all night because of him...there was no way I could stay here.

Nathan brought clothes for me to wear, he really planned all of this.
"I need to take care of something" he spoke before closing the door again. I changed my clothes 'I have to act normal until I know a way for me to leave' I laid down in the bed and soon drifted off.

A/N: sorry that I've taken so long to update 😭 Hope you guys are enjoying the story❣️

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