CH1 : The big release

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Cybil's P.O.V

I ran like my life depended on it because literally it did, I was almost late to school again, my mom couldn't find everything she needed and I once again had to find everything for her, I wonder why she bothers to work if she'll just spend it on drugs and alcohol.

You know the thing about my mom unlike other alcoholics she looks decent and loving when others are around so no one will believe me if I said I had an abusive mother that's why I love virtual reality its an escape from the world I live in, I can't wait for the big release tonight it's all anyone can talk about literarily every teenager in the world wants to be on the A-team in this game 'the fallen angel' and I got lucky

I got to school panting with just fifteen seconds to second bell "shit I'm officially late" I said to myself cause it takes two minutes to get to my class while running and five minutes when walking

"might as well walk I'm late" well our teacher is the kind that comes five minutes early so I'm officially ten minutes late, I know too much numbers but that's just me.

I walked into the classroom late and was faced by a very angry Mr. King "you're late again Miss Greene" he said glaring at me "I know I'm sorry, my mom had an emergency this morning so I had to help her" I said in a quiet voice, he just rolled his eyes and told me to see him after the class and continued with the lecture

All through the class I couldn't stop thinking about the fallen angels I can imagine what it'll feel like to be an angel with virtual wings, the class went by in a blur and the students were rushing out for their lockers

"Miss Greene, I understand that you lost your dad but that was about a year ago and if your mum still needs you for every little thing to the extent it affects your education then I suggest you take it up" Mr. King said with the straightest face I've ever seen on someone talking about the dead

"there's no need for that sir" I replied solemnly "if it's not that big of a problem then I'm sure you don't mind detention" he said looking bored "I promise this will be the last time I'll do anything please don't give me a detention slip" I begged with puppy dog eyes almost getting on my knees, teachers know about the big release today and are using it as a big opportunity to get students to behave

"fine then come back tomorrow and we'll discuss the terms of your negotiation" shit I forgot how much of a heartless hottie this guy is but right now I couldn't care less there is no way I'm forfeiting the fallen angel

"sure, thank you very much sir I'll never forget your kindness" I said leaving the class, immediately I made it outside the door my Annoying gay best friend Blaise ambushed me firstly checking for marks since the whole school knows Mr. King is heartless and did I mention hot, he was only 21 and in college every girl wants a taste of that
       He had shoulder lenght black hair in a pony tail and shady gray eyes and not to forget his tattoos and piercings
"do I have to kill anyone" he asks in a low voice with his hands out ready to fight "as if" I reply rolling my eyes, my best friend is your typical gay guy, the soft, blue haired, blue eyed guy who is possibly the biggest baby on earth but when he's mad he is definitely a raging bull although his average height of 5'11 is hardly anything against Mr. King's 6'4 height

"so what did you two love birds talk about" he asks as we walked to the desk to collect a late pass for our next period "that is just disgusting, you know right?" I said making a disgusted face "he's just a part-time teacher Cy(short for Cybil) he's in college probably two or three years older than we are and he's also a pro gamer he's definitely the dream guy I'm sure he'll make the A-team on the fallen angels" he said dreamily

"whatever he's still my teacher which makes dating him gross" I said and walked over to the desk leaving him behind

"good morning please can we get one late pass each" we asked the woman behind the desk who just nodded and handed the signed paper over to us not even bothering to look at us "thank you ma'am" we said and left for our next class


The day went by in a blur and everyone was rushing home for the Big release by twelve midnight tonight and Blaise and I were heading over to his house for a sleepover not like my mum will notice I'm gone anyways

When we got to his house no one was home so we went to play some games on his Xbox and of course I won, Blaise and I were one of the chosen seven amongst others for the A-team, we received the E-mail a few days ago, I'm sure you're confused well a game was thrown out to the world and we had to complete it in one hour just one floor though and the hierarchy of the fallen angel is supposedly arranged according to that game.

We played for hours till it was dinner time and Mrs. Anderson was yelling our names on the top of her lungs for us to stop making babies and come get dinner, Blaise's parents know he's gay but they still enjoy teasing us

"were coming and the babies have already been made a long time ago" Blaise yelled back at his parents "you better be kidding boy I most certainly will not add another baby to this family anytime soon" Mr Anderson "one is enough work" he added under his breath but we all heard and Blaise glared to which Mr Anderson smiled sheepishly, those two are so alike it's hilarious

"So Cybil I heard you were also sent an E-mail" Mrs Anderson said smiling at me she wasn't a gamer but she loved hearing our stories

"yeah I made the A-team" I said smiling proudly "Ugh why couldn't they make these kind of games when our bodies were young and agile, now I'm too old to play" she wailed to her husband.

"sucks to be old eh" Blaise said earning a glare from his mum "I'm just thirty-nine you brat" she screamed at him sometimes I question whose the bigger baby in this family "yeah and the age restriction is 15-30, sucks to be you miss" he replied sticking his tongue out then dashing for the stairs

"you're lucky I'm tired or I would have spanked you real hard this night" Mrs Anderson said "that sounds way to sexual to be saying to our son, I should be telling you that" Mr Anderson butt in and that was my cue to leave, what a family well at least they are happy

"I'll never understand you Andersons" I said as I sat next to Blaise in his room "we are what we are, aren't we?" he replies "that makes no sense but yeah I guess" I replied, we chatted about everything and anything till it was 11:58 pm in the midnight and we were set to log in to the game

"meet you at the other side" I said to Blaise "meet you at the other side" he replied as we plugged in and entered in to a world unknown to us little did we know it wasn't a world we were escaping from anytime soon

Hey guys so this is the first chapter of Fallen angel, this book is not like every other fallen angel books you've probably read, it is a journey into an unknown world you would have never imagine

I hope you enjoy this book and check out my other book His addiction, this book is not about guys addicted to girls or the other way round it is actually about a guy addicted to drugs but can't go to rehab because of his families relation to politics and it's reputation and his best friend (main girl) helping him to over come the addiction

As they balance school and his addiction they have to face many threats and obstacles but most of all the have to make sure his addiction problem doesn't become public

Thank you very much and don't forget to vote and comment

love you guys

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