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Hello! Welcome to Delsa Drabbles which are little shots of writing including Danny Fenton/Phantom and Elsa from Frozen. The following chapters are just random ideas for these two. AND just putting it out that in these drabbles Elsa is younger than she is canon. You can figure out the age difference if you wish but she'll remain around Danny's age. Younger or older, that's up to you.

My pen name is Booper and I hope you enjoy these drabbles! I will be using Ariel or Lance from Voltron: Legendary Defender as like my faceclaim if there's an admin note needed! Enjoy and let me know if anyone wants a specific drabble written! Delsa is a very small ship and I know from other ships that sometimes there isn't much around. So please feel free to request possible drabble ideas! I'm up for trying it out!

Stay safe, be well mentally and physically, and enjoy!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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