Used to be

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Do you know the feeling when you want to write but can't?
The feeling when you want to draw,but can't?
The fact that you can see everything so vividly inside your head but you can't express it.
The way it makes you feel a sense of uselessness
Or like a dark cloud has taken away the sun that was your inspiration
So you do something else
The hours you stay away turn into days
Days into months
Months into a year
When you finally pick up your notebook again and flip through the pages covered in dust
You think to yourself
"Why did I ever stop?"
The truth is you've had the urges to draw, to write
But you didn't, you gave up
So you turn to an empty page and start a new your skills coming back ever so slowly
Your hand getting used to moving on the page again
Your imagination coming to life
And everything is like how it used to be.

Quick Glimpses (poetry and short stories)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon