When they first met

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This is supposed to be the beginning

Alfred was sitting on his couch eating dinner, it was dark out because it was winter. He would often hear rustling and walking out of his house. He noticed that the light out his window lit up, which means somebody was there. He got a kitchen knife and came outside "who's there?!" He said trying to hide his fear. He heard the rustling in the bushes and he shined his flash light at the bush. "I know your in here you little freak" he growled. He reached his hand in the bush and felt a human. He grabbed them by the collar of the shirt and dragged him out. He pointed the knife at the boy "what are you doing here?" "P-please don't hurt me...I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He said with a bit of an accent. Upon closer inspection he found that the boy was no normal human. He had beige fox ear and tail and claws. "Woah...what are you?" "I'm kiku....Kiku Honda" He said shakily crying a bit, the poor thing was terrified. "But your like...a fox..." "y-yes just please. I'm scrawny and helpless don't kill me....." Alfred sighed and carried him inside "I won't hurt you bud" he brought Kiku inside and set him down and handed him a blanket, he was miserable "what are you doing sneaking around here? It's dangerous" "w-well I have shelter here...in the greenhouse..." "I haven't been in that greenhouse in forever" "I've wanted to come live with you...you seemed so nice and handsome. I know your mad at me but please...I'm having a hard time" alfred blushed and seemed sorry for him "you don't have a home? Poor little guy" "no, I was the runt. I was neglected and now I'm here" Alfred smiles at him "I'll let you live with me! You seem like you could use it, we will be the best of friends I know it!" Kikus tail wagged "Thank you so much alfred!" "Wait....how do you know my name?" "I hear it all the time, when you have friends over" "oh ok, you look skinny. I have a chicken pot pie that I was going to give to my brother Mattie but I just remembered he's a vegetarian" "vegetarian?..." "Yes, he dose not eat meat. Like chicken, beef or pork" "oh I see, I like chicken" "I bet you do. I'll warm up the pie. My brother should be home soon" he put the pot pie in the microwave then afterwards gave it to kiku "here buddy, it's hot so be careful" he gave him a fork and let him eat it. Kiku soon finished it licking his lips "yummy hm?" "Arigato, it was very good" "hey do you want a bath? Your a bit mangy" "Yes! I love baths!" Alfred nodded and took him to the bathroom. They walk in and he turns on the bath "do you have to use the toilet?" He asked pointing to it "What" "do you have to pee?" He asked the kitsune "no" "ok if you do just go right in here" "I know" Alfred nodded "the bath is ready" Kiku stepped in with his clothes still on "what are you doing?" "Getting in?" "You have to take off your clothes first" Kiku blushed and got naked in front of Alfred "dude...y-your naked..." "did I do it right?" "Yes you did it right I just thought you'd want some privacy" "Will you stay in here?" "I...I guess?" Alfred chuckled and sat on the toilet seat and watched over the fox boy "you know your kind of a cutie" he said patting his head "Thank you" Alfred sat by the edge of the tub and scratched kikus ears. His tail wagged in the water and he purred a bit "feels good?" "Oh yeah~" "that's so cute" he washed Kiku and combed his hair making it very pretty "ready to get out?" "Yes" he got Kiku our and dried him off and grabbed a big sweatshirt and some of his brothers pants. Mattie was a bit smaller than Alfred. He gave them to kiku and he got dressed "bedtime?" Kiku nodded and stood there, Alfred picked him up and held him. He walked out to the kitchen and grabbed Kiku a big bottle of water "poor thing, your probably dehydrated hm?" "I'm so thirsty". As Alfred just held him Mattie walked in and looked at them "oh...I see you have company" he said with his sweet innocent smile "this is Kiku, he's a weird little fox alien thingy. Cute right?" He said setting him down "hello Kiku, I'm Matthew" "I'm pleased to meet you Matthew" "Alright I'll give you two lovebirds some privacy" Matthew joked walking to his room "hey!" Al whined. Kiku however did have a big crush on alfred. It felt almost as if his eyes would turn into hearts when he saw him. He brought Kiku to the guest room and set him on the bed "Alright, you sleep good now. And just know I'm not mad at you, your a good kid" he petted his ears. "Ok alfred" he smiled and turned off the light and walked to his room. He got on his bed and laid down playing on his phone. Right about when he was about to go to bed Kiku opened the door and walked in "hey dude, need anything?" Kiku went to his bedside shyly and had a red face "what happened?" "Can I um...uh....sleep with you?..." he asked bashfully "you lonely?" "Y-Yes" alfred smiles and moved over "come on, it's ok" Kiku got in and laid by him, usually he never acted this way but he really loved alfred. He clung to alfred like a small child "are you my baby now?" He chuckled and stroked kikus ears "I want to be yours, I always have" "how old are you by the way? I'm 21" "I'm just 22"
Alfred smiles and held him close "I thought you were a teen haha" he said petting the little kitsune's ears "your fur is soooo soft, I'm going to make a coat out of you" "no dont! That would hurt!" "I'm just joking" he kept petting Kiku and holding him close so he felt secure until they fell asleep

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