Chapter 3

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"Hey you alright?" One of my neighbors rode up on his bike. I gasped in surprise and stood up.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm alright" I said in between breaths

"You sure? Your looking pretty pale." 

"Yeah i'm fine. Thanks." I smiled and adjusted my bag,taking out my phone.

"No problem." I put my ear buds in and turned the music allll the way up. I headed over to my favorite place to be alone. I live near by the woods;and when I say woods I mean WOODS. With bears and everything,but thankfully their rare around where I go,their usually more deep in. As I made my way through I kept looking behind me to make sure no one was following until I finally got to my little make shift bench,made out of an old fallen tree. I sat down and melted into the music,feeling every note,getting lost in the beat. I swayed side to side with my eyes closed,just relaxing,pushing out any unwanted thoughts. I took a sip of my juice and took out my diary. I wrote down how I was feeling,what happened with Patricia. How i've been improving with my ptsd from what happened a year ago. Just pouring my heart out onto paper until I felt a large bang making me jump. I looked in the direction of where there was smoke,I put my stuff down and headed over there,I didn't see it so I thought it was maybe a plane or something,maybe someone needed my help. As I got closer I realized it wasn't any plane i've ever seen. It looked like some sort of space shuttle thing. There was obviously someone in there. I cautiously walked up to it,the only thing on fire was the back thankfully,but I still had to get whoever was in there out. Before I reached to touch the door it slid open. I jumped,there was someone sitting in it with what looked like a metal mask on.

"Hello? Are you okay?!" I stepped closer. They weren't moving,assuming they were knocked out I went in to remove them from the pod thing. When I grabbed their hand they had long black claws and a weird wrist gadget thing on. Realizing that this was no human I dropped it's hand and backed away slowly,the fear that was missing just a minute ago hitting me like a truck. I turned and sprinted a few steps until I heard a low pitiful groan of pain. I stopped,it groaned again but more loud. I took a heavy sigh.

Great now I feel bad

I turned to it again.

I can't just leave it here. Someone else not so nice might come across it and kill it,or worse. Call the police. And it does sound like it's in some major pain.

I huffed,cursing my remorse towards the creature. I ran up to it and grabbed it's arm and pulled as best as I could. I only got it to slump over, I grabbed it under the armpits and heaved. I slowly got it out,with a final yank we both fell to the ground.

Man this things heavy

Out of breath I got up and rolled it over. To my shock it's blood was a bright neon green,even brighter than a glow stick. It had a huge gash on it's stomach and some smaller cuts along the rest of it's body. I only learned the basics on how to stop bleeding in a  HUMAN. I don't know how this alien like blood works,but i'm just going to assume it's the same as humans for the sake of the situation. I ran back as fast as I could to get my bag from the bench,I got back and pulled out my favorite scarf that I always carry.

*Sigh*"I'm sorry scarf." I ripped it and pressed it onto the large gash on its stomach. It groaned loudly.

"Are you awake? Hey,you awake?" I tapped it's mask and gently shook it's head.

"Hey! Can you understand me?!"

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