Is This A Dream, Deja vu or a Sign? PART1

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"Savannah.....savannah.....SAVANNAH!!!!" Tyler yelled but quietly "w...w...what?!?" I said still half asleep "I have to tell you something but not here." Tyler whispered "ok but it's *checked phone* 4:30 in the morning can't it wait?" I asked "no now" he pleaded "fine fine meet me out back I'll make it like I'm going to the bath room ok" I said "ok that's fine just hurry up" Tyler said. Tyler went outside I wonder what he wanted to tell me I mean we just met and everything so he might of had a personal question or fact about h he only could trust me with. "hey babe...NOAH" I said "what" Noah said "going pee and going to get a drink of water" I said "great to know, now let me sleep" he said "ok" I said back. I went down stairs and out back to see what Tyler wanted, I was so tired but oh well. "hey what's up" I asked "this" Tyler said, then before I could say anything Tyler kissed me all of a sudden it was the must weirdest but best feeling ever like it meant something I've never felt this way kissing Noah, it was different and I had no idea what IT was, we broke from the kiss. "WOAH I HAVE NEVER FELT THAT WAY IN A KISS?! AND I...I...I HAVE BOYFRIEND I CANT BE KISSING BOYS EW! NOT THAT THE KISS WAS BAD, TRUUUUUSSST ME THAT WAS NOT A BAD KISS AT ALL ITS Just that I have a boyfriend and I love him and I just met you. ugh good night Tyler and thanks for the kiss it was..................cute.

I WOKE UP GASPING FOR AIR it was 5:30 in the morning so it was still early and now I'm wide awake but was that a dream or a sign or real life? "Noah wake up" I said "huh what happened I did t do it" he said waking up "what did I do at 4:30 dis morning?" I asked "um you were asleep I got up at 4:29 to is the bathroom, why?" he asked "nothing just a bad dream good night sweetie" go said "night" he said falling back asleep.

•••••••••••••••next morning••••••••••••••


My dream was weird why would dream of kissing tyler and not Noah this is just weird. Why would I dream about that?

Tyler's POV:

last night I had a dream it was weird. it's was about me kissing savannah. but why? I know I like her but why would I dream about that?


"Morning everyone" I said walking down the stairs. "morning to you too" nah said kissing me on the cheek "good morning to you to" I said "so what are we doing today?" I asked everybody "how about um.............. WE GO TO THE BEACH!" Courtney yelled "ok but I need a knew bathing suit mine broke....." I said looking at Noah "um why did you look at Noah for that?" Tyler asked "yeah why?" Trevor asked "oh well because Mr.Watson (Noah) thought it be ok to put it on and when he did it ripped and stretched out." I said furiously "o well ok off to the store" Amanda said "ok lets get dressed first

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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