Chapter 1

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Kumi woke up late that morning, tiredly sitting up in her bed with a small yawn. She kicked off the covers, sliding off of the mattress.
She walked towards her closet, pulling her usual outfit on which consisted of dark blue jeans and a light blue strapless top.
She walked out of her room, stretching as she walked under the doorframe. She stumbled down the hall, tiredly leaning against the wall for a moment. "Ugh, mornings.." She grumbled to herself.
Kumi walked towards her kitchen, and collapsed in one of the chairs at the kitchen table. She leaned her head in her arms, closing her eyes once again and began to lose her sense of reality..

Until someone started laughing at her.

Kumi sat up with a harsh glare, her sight directed to the male infront of the stove. He was laughing as he turned to look away from her, making her huff. "What's so funny, asshat?" She hissed, running a hand through her hair.
"You." The male replied with a snicker. This male was Kumi's roommate she ended up getting stuck with, Azumo Akuhiko. He had raven black hair and piercing emerald green eyes, and a grin that could send shivers down someone's spine.
Azumo had a strange ability just as she did, though it was very much different from hers. He had the ability to manipulate the hair that was over his eye, and able to make it take the shape of a claw and he was able to control it as though it were a third hand.
At the moment, Kumi was turning twenty-one in just few days time. It was October 26th, and in just five days, she was planning her biggest destruction yet.
What was she to care if anyone got hurt?
Just years before she threw away all the humanity she had left after her murder-spree of half a school and her father.
She was a hopeless case.
Azumo plated the food he had been making, turning and began walking down the hall. "I'll be in my room." He called back to her, a grin playing at his face.
"Whatever." Kumi rolled her eyes, standing up and grabbing a donut from the pantry as she turned towards the door.
Despite hating everyone who was around her, when the time came on Halloween, Kumi would make Azumo leave the town. He was nice enough, and he was still only seventeen. She wouldn't take his life, unless they met again in the future.
Kumi sighed as she left the house, making her way to the fireworks store to buy some. They'd be a big part in her Halloween debut.
She didn't care how much money she spent on her supplies, since she'd just get more from her next job.
She took jobs from other criminals to help her make money so she could plan these big scenes out for her birthday. She just loved party planning.

October 27th past by slowly. The only notable thing that happened was that she got into an argument with someone on the streets.

October 28th. She made 'friends' with some strong looking people.
October 29th. She called her new friends to hang out with her on Halloween. Both accepted.

October 30th. She finalized her plan.

October 31st. Halloween.

Kumi woke up on Halloween morning, not caring how tired she was as she sat up. She rubbed at her eyes and yawned, changing into her outfit she wore without her mask.
Azumo kicked open her door, a wide smile on his face. "Happy Birthday, Kohano-Chan!" He cheered, handing the girl a cupcake. "This is the most I could get for a cake, since I blew most of my money getting you a gift." He laughed as he handed her a small box.
Inside the box was a silver necklace with a small light blue pendant. Kumi pulled the necklace out of the box, turning her head up to look at the ravenette.
Kumi had no memory of ever getting a gift from anyone -- she smiled softly as she slipped it over her head, since it was a bit big. "Thank you, Akuhiko." She said quietly, slipping the box into her bag.
Kumi then remembered what was to be happening that day. Her smile faded as she took the cupcake from the male's hand.
"Akuhiko... I need you to leave town tonight." She sighed, turning and looking back at him.
"Wha-? Why?" Azumo asked, looking a bit upset.
"It's nothing about you -- something is going to happen tonight. I want you to be away from it." Kumi sighed, taking a bite of the cupcake. "It's my fault you have to leave. Because I don't want you to die."
Azumo seemed confused, but Kumi finished the cupcake quickly and grabbed the raven haired male by the shoulders and pushed him out the door. "Pack everything you can and get as far away as possible. You can take my savings, I don't need them anymore." Kumi reached in her pocket, pulling out all the money she had in it.
Azumo was still quie confused, but he didn't question it as he took the money as began to walk towards his room.
"My little puppets will be here in a couple hours." Kumi giggled to herself as she stumbled towards her closet. She pulled out the box and walked to the window, strings shooting out of her fingertips and latching on to a streetlamp. She jumped out the window, using the strings to swing her back up and on top of the building next door.

By nightfall....

The fun will really begin.

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