Chapter 2

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Kumi had finished up her preparations of the evening, just in time for her to get back to her house for her two 'friends' to arrive. Azumo had left a couple hours before, though a bit sad. Neither had many friends -- the two were there for each other despite the male still being in school.
Kumi just had to forget him for now.
After all, it's how she got by in her life.
That was long over.
Long ago.

Kumi heard knocking on the front door around 6 PM, when the Sun started to set. A sinister grin made it's way to her face as she twisted the light blue pendant around her neck.
Kumi opened the door, greeting the two with a polite smile. Just one hour from then, the town would be in a state of panic and these two would be blamed. Unless she was caught.

Kumi led the two to the living room, sitting down on the couch. She had just told them they were all going to watch a horror movie, since spoiling her plan to her puppets would be a waste of her supply.

Kumi turned on the movie, which she had watched many times before that night. It was about a young girl with incredible strength and agility, and an intense bloodlust.

Kumi enjoyed watching this movie, as it usually freaked people out on how such a young girl could be so violent. But not her. She loved it -- all the murder and blood displayed on screen.

Kumi didn't show on her face she loved the amount of blood and such, but she didn't bother acting scared either.

The movie ended a while after an hour had past, and Kumi stood up with a dark look. The night sky dimly lit by the stars sparkling bright overhead. Two black hearts appeared in front of the light purple haired female, white strings shot out of her fingertips and wrapped around them. The two seemed alarmed for a moment --

Before they had no reaction at all.
"Considering they look pretty strong... I dunno how long I can keep them under my control.. Oh well. Come on, puppets. We're gonna go kill some people." Kumi laughed, walking out the door and making the two follow.

Kumi slung herself up on to the roof of the tallest building, handing the two of them weapons and sending them off.

"Kill as many as you can~" Kumi laughed sadistically as she began hearing people's screaming from down below. She lightly stepped on a button by her foot, and fireworks began lighting off in houses and lighting fires all over the town.

The two she was using as puppets were completely aware of what they were doing.

But their spirit on breaking free seemed weak.

Maybe she can use them more. In other cities.

It saves the trouble on finding new ones.

That's what she would do.


"What was --" Kumi muttered, before the floor underneath her broke off, and she began her plummet towards the concrete.

(This one was short, but the next one will be longer uwu)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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