Chapter two

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What did I just do, I just told Percy my biggest secret that's what! Of course he is the one person I trust the most, plus he seemed so cool about it, as if he thought of  it every day. Come to think of it I've been stupid to think like this, obviously every demigod thinks of it...right?

I leaned in closer, he smelled like the sea, as he always does. The sent comforts me and makes me feel safe. Like nothing can hurt me, I'm in my own little personal safe bubble. I sighed, he kissed me and for a moment I could almost see myself back at camp when Percy kissed me for the first time under water. No pain no terrible memories of giants and Gaea or anything. Almost.

After awhile we finally got up and went to our bunks in the Argo two I kissed Percy goodnight and went into my room. I guess I didn't realise how tired I was until my head hit the pillow. Instant sleep.

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