Chaptor three

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Percy POV

It was three years after the war. At camp Chiron called us (the seven) to the big house for an important meeting. Once we we all sat down he started to go on about life and camp and bla bla bla. I zoned out. After awhile I heard something that caught my attention "normal" I looked up and Chiron started to talk about mortals and yada yada yada until he said "and you are given the chance to be one"  we were all speechless. I knew that everyone had always dreamt of being one.  And I also know a certain conversation I had with a certain someone. Chiron told us to sleep on it and tell him our opinions in the morning.

As a

I was lying in my bed all I could think about was the one word that Chiron had said "normal" then I heard a voice in my head "take it son, take the chance if you back down you will regret it and will never be offered the choice again." I drifted off to sleep.

In the morning I saw everyone making their way towards the big house. By the look on there faces I could tell they had heard a voice too.

A few days later we were being shipped off to New York. We were promised no monsters, the ability to use mortal devices and even being able to only see mist. I'm not sure how I feel about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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