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I have more issues

I could possibly count.

And on my worse days

I'll go from happy to sad

in seconds.

I won't always like myself,

and sometimes I'll even assume

you don't like me either.

I'll push you away and I might

even drive you insane.

But I promise you this,

nobody could ever think about

loving you as much as I do.

~your secret admirer

I think it's meaningless to say that we didn't get any sleep that night

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I think it's meaningless to say that we didn't get any sleep that night.

Yeah, sure, kissing was one of the reasons but also ... that Seulgi girl.

My tender giant repeating someone else's name in his slumber must be one of the most advanced torture techniques to put me in misery.

Jealousy has always been one of the least dear emotion to me - nefarious, sly, with its long sleek tentacles that wrap around one's throat with little to no struggle, eating itself.

There is no flower in the world that could describe it for I worship, cherish a blossom as the prettiest creation mother nature has gifted us.

Or so I believed until I met that geeky clumsy titan with ugly glasses and worn-out high-tops.

He showed me much more than just his astounding beauty, math solutions, and belonging, he also taught me evident love, jealousy, and woe. Life has never seemed so desirable yet frightful before.

These are the thoughts that run through my mind as our hands reunite in the morning, leading the way down to the kitchen where mom's already blasting Cavetown's music while making us some waffles before school.

Jimin flicks a piece of it right into Yoongi's mouth with the tip of his thumb just as we enter the frisky room, eyes landing on our hands before we even have the shot to greet them.

"Oh~ I see how it is," he whistles, making his sluggish lover smack his thigh under the table and then rub it soothingly as an apology, alluring concern circling in his cat-like lidded eyes, colorful as plumerias.

Namjoon, as heavy-handed as he is, lets go of me with a dainty morning flush on his glowing cheeks, dimple showing as a sign of distress before he steps in front of me, catching the snack with a plate just as mom throws it in the air.

Her smile is gratefully sanguine as she says over the smooth music: "Morning, sweetie! Slept well?"

"Of course," he lies, candy-coated white lies slipping easily from his sharp tongue, making me wonder what else he's capable to lie about.

Probably doesn't matter either.

"What about you, Jinnie?" she turns to me and I return the favor, stupidly lying through gritted teeth while chewing on the food she made for us.

The next ones to join us are Hoseok, Mark, and Jungkook, sliding down on the fence of our stairs, one of Mark's feet almost landing in my serving.

A faint: "I'm sorry, Purity!" rings through the house as we watch them pick up their abandoned decaying converse shoes and bags, running through the door with only one of them on.

"YAH! Where do you think you're going without breakfast? Don't you know it's the most important meal of the d-"

"Sorry, mom! We've got to kick some kid's ass for bullying a friend of Mark," Jungkook's nice enough to clarify mid trying to tie his laces without having to stop the running.



"Fine! But remember - if someone catches you guys, your surnames are Johnson and Clark. I'm not going to another 'anger issues' meeting."

"Of course. Love you, mom, bye!"

And they're off in the wild, clothes barely decent but excitingly bumping fists in favor of another thrilling day.

"He what?!"

And what a pleasant day indeed.

By the fifth period, we're already gathered in a tiny crowded bathroom stall, four teenage chests pressed flush together as our hearts are beating rapidly with a promise to get in trouble.

That promise is the one I do not look forward to.

Jimin sighs, his caramel-colored sad eyes almost topped in compassionate tears: "Yoongi failed yet another Biology exam. If he fails one more he's gonna have to repeat the year."

"Repeat the year? That's awful!"

"Wait. Doesn't that mean he'll be in class with us?" Jungkook rubs his nonexistent beard as if he's thinking deeply about it though he's probably just calculating the pros in his favor if that was to happen.

A few salty drops leak out of my small brother's bright chrystals, wetting my PE T-shirt as he's leaning on it for support.

While Jungkook and Hoseok are tall and well built in our family, I and Jimin are just small feeble attentive mistakes of the generation.

Or as Mark would call us quite frequently, elves.

"Hold on," Hoseok leans forward as much as he can in a place so small, "how does he know he failed it? Mark told me they had the exam today."

"He said he only knew the answer to one question. "

I scoff silently, knowing very well that Min Yoongi was not a man with slow intellect nor bad memory. His problem with school is that he really doesn't want to be there ... or maybe the fact that he spends almost all of the time meant for studying thinking about his chubby love.

"Didn't know he was so stu- OW!"

"I dare you to say that, horse," Jimin hisses at his brother through his front crooked gritted teeth, frowning so cutely I just know Yoongi would coo at him.

Hoseok acts offended (but he kind of expected it), crossing his arms with a stern steadfast pledge in his sneaky tawny eyes. "Okay, so here's what we're gonna do ..."

NAMJIN: He was hiddenWhere stories live. Discover now