Chapter 9.

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Jalena's POV.
We had made it to the pharmacy and Jahseh was getting his medication. I was just sitting down and I saw these two girls talking to Jahseh on line, I got up and went over to him.

"Who's this?" One of the girls ask him. He turned around and smiled at me. "This is my friend Jalena" he said. I looked at them and smiled. "Wow she's pretty, you guys would make a cute couple" the other girl said. "I know, we really would" Jahseh said sarcastically smiling at me. His meds were ready to be picked up so I went to go get it for him. I handed it to him and went into the car.

I sat in the car and waited for him to come in. "What's your problem?" He asked me. "Why did you say it like that? Like you feel like I don't want to be with you?" I asked. He sucked his teeth and faced the other way ignoring me. I hate when people ignore me, it pisses me off. "Jahseh I'm talking to you!" I yelled. His fist were balled up and he was breathing heavy. I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes. "Don't suck your teeth! You know you don't want me because of my condition!" He shouted. What is he even talking about?

"Did I ever say that? No I did not! You can even ask Ski I told him I want to be with you!" I shouted. Outta nowhere he hit the car and looked at me deeply in the eyes, it was pitch black. "Who the fuck are you shouting at!? Stop talking to Jahseh like that Bitch!" X shouted. I honestly don't have time for this. "You know what? I'm going home you and Jahseh can fuck off!" I shouted then I got out the car but X followed me. "Bitch I would smack the shit outta you! Who you telling to fuck off!?Say that shit one more time and watch!" X shouted in my face. I honestly held in my tears. "Move! Get out my fucking face! You go your damn way, I can walk home!" I shouted. I started walking with tears coming down my cheeks. I didn't even look back I just kept walking. This is not his fault I can't even be mad at him, he was born with this.

I reached home a little later and my brother noticed I was a mess. "What's wrong!? Who I gotta fight!?" Jahmir asked. I went upstairs to my room and closed the door and put my face into my pillow. "Lena? What's wrong?" Jahmir asked coming in my room. I can talk to my brother about anything but I know he isn't comfortable with me being near Jahseh, he doesn't think it's safe. I raised up and told him everything. He was low key pissed but he still decided to calm down and help me out.

"I think you should just give him some space Lena, He needs to cool down and work on himself first" my brother said. I agree with him, I feel like I'm distancing Jahseh not only from taking care of himself but from his music and stuff. I put my phone on do not disturb and just went to go take a hot nice long shower to cool off. I feel like I should leave him alone for awhile.

Jahseh's POV.
I reached home but I just sat in the car pissed at myself. I freaking got mad at her, X came out & I made Lena walk home when I could've driven her home, I know it was her choice to walk home but a real man wouldn't let a girl walk home knowing her home is kinda far. I should've never spazzed on her about not wanting to be with me. I head inside and decided to talk to my vro ski but first I gotta take my meds.

After I took my meds I went into the living room and saw Stokeley sitting down. "Hey vro" I said. "Sup brotha, where's Lena? I thought she was coming back here" He said. I know Stokeley and Jalena are close. He treats her way better than I do.

"I spazz on her then X came out and made her walk home I feel bad, I texted her but she's ghosting me" I said. Ski looked at me and shook his head. "She's of course going to be mad, she really cares for you and the fact that X made her walk home" He said. I have a very important question for him. "She said she told you that she wants to be with me, is that true?" I asked. "It very much is, she cares a lot about you and she loves you" Stokeley said.

I feel like shit right now. I called her many times and texted her but she's ignoring me. I really do feel like Stokeley is better for her. "You should be with her, you treat her better" I said. Ski gave me the crazy look. "Vro are you on drugs? She loves you not me and plus I wouldn't do that to you, I know you like her" he replied.

I got up and walked into my room to check if she at least texted me back or returned my phone call....she didn't. I went into the studio and just started writing.

Stokeley's POV.
I feel bad for both Jalena & Jahseh. I texted Jalena hoping she'll reply so Jahseh can stop being a sad guy. I never seen him like this over a girl after his break up with his ex which was long ago. She's not only ghosting him but she's also ghosting me.

I left her voicemails and just blew up her phone with texts hoping she'll see them. I'll do anything for my brother Jahseh and I'll do anything for Jalena, she's like a sister to me. I even have a little crush on her but that's Jahseh's girl.

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