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Sorry for the late update!

"Selena I cant believe it." Jake said when I told him we had 21 coins."Why is Justin doing this." I shrugged."If he keep it up...well be rich." He said."But I dont want to keep taking his money and give nothing in return." "Go on a date with him." I gagged. Justin and I out in public on a date is not a good thing."No." I said. Soon there was a knock at the door. I walked downstairs and peeped through the peep hole. I saw gaurds."Uh who Is it?" I asked acting like I didnt know. My heart was pounding. Did the gaurds know of last night? Did Jake do something wrong? I was worried. "The gaurds of the republic were looking for Selena." A man said. He looked in his 40s with a buzz cut...but very tall. I slightly opened the door. "This is she." I said."Well Ms. Gomez we heard you have been accepting coins from....a rich person lets say." I gulped. "Uh I dont recall that." I answered. "Well we would like to check your house." I nodded and let him in. Jake kept the coins in his pockets and stayed in his room. Once the gaurds left the general faced me."I dont trust you Gomez." He said and walked out. I ignored his comment. And locked the door. I walked up stairs to inform Jake they was gone. "Do you think they will come back?" He asked with a tad bit of trucker in his voice. "I don't know." I said remembering what the General said."But we have to prepared....go get dressed for school." I said. He quickly left. I sat on his bed and threw my hands threw my hair.

Once lunch came I was already exhausted. I grabbed my lunch and walked to the table. Demi sat next to me. "What happened?" She asked."The gaurds came over today." I said and bit into my chicken sandwich."Why?" She asked in shock. Mostly worried."The coins Justin has been giving me. They found out and they checked the whole house to see if we had them." I said. I thought of the sain the government provided us when I was 13.

The poor will always stay poor

As for the rich will always stay rich

I hated they choice of words. But it was true. No one like Jake and I will never get to the top like the rich if we cant afford college. But someone like Justin can afford the 100 coins and go to college. "It is on your mind huh." Demi said. I nodded. She was right. I couldn't stop thinking I was worried. I was scared. After finishing my sandwich I walked to class. Starring at every gaurds that walked the halls.

I was in the middle of class when I had to grab my journal. I started walking towards my locker. Once I turned the corner I saw at least 5 gaurds and the general I gasped as they stood in front of my locker. Throwing everything out onto the ground. I couldn't breath. They seriously wanted me tooken away. Thats when I ran. I ran to Jake locker. Which was also getting checked. I went to his class. I lied to the teacher and told him the principal needed him. As soon as he stepped out the class I spoke up. "There here." I whispered."Who?" He asked."The-the g-g-g-aurds." I said shaking. "What?" He asked."The gaurds and general are here searching through our lockers at this very moment."What are we gonna do." Asked Jake. I didnt know what to do. I sat on the floor and cried. They was gonna split us up and take us away. And if they didnt find anything here....they wasnt gonna stop. Jake comfort me. I couldn't take it. I was just a 5'5 foot girl. "Selena Gomez and Jake Gomez please report to the office." The principal over the PC said.

Yup they found something.

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