"Sir our father is dead....."

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Im so sorry for the wait you guys here's another chapter. I love you comments and thanks for voting! Love you all!!!


We slowly walked in the office. The general stood there."Sit." Was all the principal said. We sat down in the cushion chairs. I wanted to cry and beg that we needed the coins. That I didnt want to accept them but he gave it to us anyway. "We have found your father." The general said. "Sir our father is dead." Jake said. He was right." No....he speant many of years looking for you two. He lives up town." He handed me a paper with his address and phone number."Go there after school." Uptown was a long walk from our home. And thats where the rich people."He wants to have you for supper." He finished off. And walked out. The principal sent us back to class.

We made it home. I went straight home after school. We took another wash up and I threw on one of my uniform dresses. Jake and I couldn't afford many clothes.  We started walking to the bus stop. It cost 5 coins each. "I guess we're walking." I told Jake. He didn't say nothing the whole time. His face had a blank expression. Once we reached the address about a hour later I knocked on the door. The house was huge. I made sure my hair was still in a nice ponytail. The door swung open. And a blonde lady with a nice dress and nice teeth opened it smiling big. "Hello come in." She said and moved aside to let us in. Once we walked in there was a guy. With dark brown hair. Brown eyes. And he had Jake head. I could tell it was him. Next to him stood a younger blonde girl around our age.  She was smiling big to. "Selena, Jake?" He said. His voice was low. But it still had that Latino tune in it. His eyes was filled with tears. My hands started sweating. "Ay ay ay." He said and hugged Jake. I swear Jake was crying at that moment. Who wouldn't. It was emotional. Both of the blonde girls was now standing next to eachother. Everyone was crying but me. He pulled away from Jake and kissed him on the forehead. "Look how much you've grown. How buff you got." I wasn't Buff but I did grow. He faced me. "Bonita." He said. He hugged me tightly. I hugged back my arms and legs was weak and shaky. "It's really you dad?" I asked. I was relieved. I was tired of taking care of Jake. Tired of working more hours and not getting paid. Tired of feeling broken. "Yes." He said. I hugged him tighter. Thats when the tears came. After our moment the blonde girl named Mandy (which was dad step daughter) bought me to her room as Max and dad decided to watch tv. "So you have a boyfriend?" She asked once we made it to the huge pink room. I sat in the chair as she plopped on the bed. "No." I said. She pulled out her phone (which I only seen in shop windows) and started texting non-stop.

Dinner was called and I was relieved to get away from this girl and around my dad. Father and Dad have 2 different meanings to me. I can call my Dad a dad because he made me. But I cant call him a Father because he didnt raise me or care for me. He lost me. And couldn't find me. Or my brother. The dinner table was silent for a minute. "So...." Dad said. I didnt bother speaking just starring at my plate. "Daddy I need a new laptop....." Mandy began as she started explaining how hers is so "last year" and "un-cool" shes a spoiled brat. "Ill think about it." Mandy didnt like that answer. She groaned loudly and turned back to her plate."Selena....I was thinking we have some extra rooms in the house and you know I was thinking you guys could move in with us." Dad said. "Are you serious?" I asked. He looked at me confused. "Now you want to enter our life and let us move in and live happily ever after. Hello dad your still alive then what about mom...." by now in was standing up leaning over the table. Speaking of mom made a lump in my throat so I took a pause and spoke again."This whole time you claim to be finding us when we were right under your nose! Come on Jake were leaving."  I said. Jake stood up."No you guys wait...."  Dad began standing up"I take care of us 2 only I was doing it be for I could do it now." Then we were out the door. Now it was around 7:30. "Sel were not gonna make it...." "shut up." I said. Tears was rolling out of my eyes. I passed a house with 2 guys sitting on the porch."Selena?" One of them asked. He stood up and I noticed his face.....Justin.

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