Kill Me Softly {1}

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Bees are fascinatingly fragile, in the sense that they are nature's hardest workers, yet die instantly whenever the time comes to defend themselves. 

       From what she could recall, no distinct reason stood out in her mind to initiate this behavior from her parents. Assuredly, something awfully terrible must have occurred to leave her so sheltered. (Y/N)'s dull life began seemingly all at once. It was all so sudden...

     "You are not to leave the house without an escort, Lord knows what could happen!"  "Just a walk?  For all you know, a gang could be waiting to harass you right outside that door!" "Stop spending time with all these poor influences. A life deemed exciting is a life ended quickly." 

Heaven forbade the poor girl to have any time to think, the nagging was so excessive. Ten years could never have been enough to learn about the mysteries and wonders of this world, but (Y/N)'s overprotective parents seemed to think it was an appropriate age to cut her off from most of the outside world. According to them, it was all too dangerous. According to her, it was all too stupid. 

Nonetheless, this became her life once she hit the tender age of ten. (Y/N) saw no reason for this, as she never received a real explanation. Her parents tended to heavily abide by the oh-so-heavenly "Don't question us, we are your parents"excuse. At this point, they were no better than broken records. Between fits of verbal chastising and slight manipulation, she grew weary of it all quickly. 

She clung tightly to her one exception to the "no going outside alone" rule: the garden. Her garden served as a small piece of paradise in a closed off world. Spacious and vast, with lush, well-kept grass and many assortments of flowers, particularly yellow roses. A tiny, thin, metal white gate separated it from the forest close by, and all the "danger" that came with it. As opposed to a protective wall, the gate served as somewhat of a "bubble border", telling the girl where her land ended and the forbidden territory that surrounded the garden began. Over the years the gate became covered in moss and lichen, blending in better with the environment surrounding it. 

The now sixteen-year-old girl used this as a major loophole. She could go astray a bit and, if caught, could easily play it off as "not seeing the boundary lines". (Y/n) could only come once or twice a day, in hopes to deter her from getting any ideas to run off, but she appreciated what she received. 

Her parents were out one day, taking care of the monthly errands. She technically wasn't allowed to stay in the garden without somebody indoors to watch, but it wasn't like they were there to stop her. 

Sitting at a small tea table made of brass painted a faded and chipped mint green, she sipped on her cup of Earl Grey and thought about how much it tasted like Froot Loops since she added far too much sugar. She heard a couple of quiet voices towards the far end of the garden, followed by soft footsteps. One was oddly...flat. The other seemed hushed and frustrated. 

"Just what is it you're trying to show me?"

"It's a fairy garden, I'm sure of it. Human-built, but I think it's been abandoned. There is furniture and statues, but it's all vintage and the gate looks like it hasn't been touched in ages."

 The footsteps came closer. Could this be her opportunity? Nobody ever came by, her parents never let her have friends from school over after they deemed them all unfit to influence their child. (Y/N) grew nervous, but excitement bubbled in the pit of her stomach to meet the hopefully friendly pair. Looking up from her drink and sketchbook, her eyes were greeted by two males, one slightly taller than the other, who seemed to be around her age. The shorter boy had short, slightly messy silvery-white hair and widened light violet eyes. the taller one had short, well kept light blonde hair with what appeared to be a cross pin in it and deep, murky blue eyes that held no readable expression, aside from well-concealed surprise. 

"The monotonous voice likely belongs to him," She noted. "What reason do they have for coming here?"

Upon seeing her, they froze. Quickly turning red, the silver-haired boy turned to face the blonde. 

"You said this place was abandoned!"

{End of Chapter One}

Photo used in the beginning of the chapter was created by Brooke Shaden.

Bees in the Garden of EdenWhere stories live. Discover now