Hearts Change {9}

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              Down, down, down, further into the darkness. Original sin knows no bounds, but what keeps the poisonous cobra from biting the feeble lamb unexpectedly? It's remarkable, the power of instinct. Something must be done to trip the wire and spark sweet remembrance--a reminder to look twice before crossing any path and live not in fear, but rather, in caution...

Heart nearly jumping out her chest moments after being so mellowed that it could've been mistaken for one belonging to a cardiac arrest victim, Y/N found her long nap of the day to be rather unpleasant in comparison to all of her other nights in the home. 

That was a super weird dream.

Not just normal weird either, like rolling up to school with pants around your ankles in only your underwear and some really ugly crocs or dreaming that a baby duck covered in barbeque sauce got footprints all over your brand new white rug. No, this sort of weird was neither amusing nor frightening in any traditional or expected sense. Rather, it brought forth a far more visceral, existential kind of fear that she couldn't quite put her finger on...

But that's no matter, 'cause I just remembered the tension in the air around here is gonna majorly suck! Ah, should I even leave my room at this point? It's the afternoon and all, but after the situation earlier I'm not so sure. 

One detail in the argument particularly caught her interest. To think, the men had been so careful to cover up the lingering elephant in the room only to have it be threatened out of hiding by a childish squabble. 

The last thing Matt said to Emil, he called him "Ice." Is that, like, some weird insult? Or like a nickname I just haven't heard yet? Like, because he's "cold" to everybody or whatever...? Not that it really matters. 

A gentle knock at the door alerted Y/N to the slightly worrying thought that it could be Emil or Mattias trying to apologize and that would be awkward, to say the least. 

"Come in, I'm awake."

The small figure in the doorway instantly made her feel relieved, as the height and body type could only belong to the one member of the house she felt somewhat comfortable discussing personal feelings with at the moment. Taking a seat next to her on the bed, Timo began speaking. 

"Hi, Y/N. Are you feeling alright? I know what happened earlier was...a lot..."

"Ah, I guess. It just made me feel a bit awkward is all. Are they okay?"

"Hm? Yes, they're perfectly fine. Their little fight was really dumb after all, and Berwald split it up before it could escalate too far. I'm not exactly sure if or when they plan on apologizing, but you shouldn't have had to see that."

"As long as they're alright, it doesn't bother me. I don't know exactly what it was over, but I'm sorry it happened."

Turning to face her directly, Timo's expression showed fret over her feelings while his eyes shone in a manner that could read mischievous in the right setting and given that the observer truly paid attention. If things went his way, he could clue her in a little that not only one, but two of them were a little sweet on her. Lukas, however, hadn't done anything to indicate any real interest. Yet.

"Oh, no! It isn't your fault it happened! Emil just got emotional since he's young and all and Mattias isn't exactly the most mature when it comes to things like this. He only focuses on his wants and doesn't always consider how his actions affect others."

"I appreciate you saying that, but I can't help but feel a bit responsible...I just hope the awkwardness airs out soon so I can talk to them normally without it being all weird."

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