Sweet Escape {5}

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  {^^^Song that suits the chapter, if you'd like to listen while you read. Lyrics in my art piece are from this song.}


Words were exchanged that night in the (temporary) Nordic household. After hearing the initial proposition from Mattias, the main response was shock. Timo, the head of the group and "mother" of their little family, naturally, wanted to help.

"That sounds like a very kind thing to do! However, would it be right just to have her come with us?"

A far deeper voice gave his opinion in response. 

"That wouldn't be very safe. After all, you've only known her for a day, right?"

Emil feared they were losing this battle of persuasion.

"No, just Den! Nor and I met her a few days before she did and talked for a lot longer than earlier today."

Looking at Nor in desperation for some support, the Icelandic boy prayed he would chime in. Not with a "Haven't you people ever heard of...", but rather, a well-planned statement that would give Emil and Mattias some aid in convincing Berwald, the stoic man of the house, in allowing them to help out a kind stranger. Timo would be easy but Berwald? Nothing that could possibly endanger his beloved little "wife" would be allowed. 

Timo seemed a bit surprised that either one of the boys interacted with a random stranger and put trust into housing them so quickly. As a matter of fact, the notion that they would make friends with a random girl spontaneously--or at all for that matter, shocked him. 

"Is that true, Lukas? Do you both know her?"

"Mhm. We met her last week on accident. She's very...interesting. Polite and well-mannered, mind you, but her story is the interesting part."

As the Finnish man propped his hands under his chin, anticipating a long, interesting tale, and the Swedish man leaned forward slightly, Lukas began to tell her upsetting, way too long, story. 

...An hour or so later, since we all know the drill by now...

"She's just kept indoors like that? Away from the rest of the world? What kind of life is that?!"

Timo was outraged.

If he's that upset now, I wonder how he'd react to her whole story, including whatever we don't even know yet? Seems like we've got him where we need him though...

Even Berwald held a deep frown on his face and let the poor taste in his mouth from the story show. Well, a deep frown by his standards at least. 

If his heart is soft enough right now...

Turning to the Swede in question, Timo made sure to put on his best "pleading" eyes. 

"Swe...what do you say? She's suffering! Please?"

"Hm. You're right, Fin. It'd be wrong to ignore this,"  the deeper voice uttered. 

Mattias enquired, "So, when can we rescue her? Soon?"

"I for one want her out of there by tomorrow! That's not very realistic though, huh?"

Finny always had a harder time with creating realistic time constraints when excitement took control. 

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