Imagine 32

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Imagine meeting Kol for the first time

Being a bartender make you exhausted with deal with the drunks

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Being a bartender make you exhausted with deal with the drunks. A drunk man be hit on you all day you complete ignored him.

"Hey I talk to you" Drunk man yell at you

"I believe you have a enough I call you a cab" You reply to him

"No I what more" As you ignored him again when he grab your arms.

Before you about to say something a tall handsome man tell the drunk man  "Let the nice young lady go" as the drunk man give handsome man a look then sigh as he walk away.

"Thanks" You say

"No problem, so what in a world a beautiful lady like you work like this place" Tall handsome man ask

"Is that supposed to be a pick up line" You smile

"Maybe" as he look at your name tag "Y/N that a lovely name"

"If I ask what your name" You ask

"Kol"Kol reply

"Nice to meet you Kol" You reply

"Nice to meet you too Y/N, so what time do you get off work tonight" Kol ask

"Soon"You say with a smile

"I see you soon then" Kol

That was the first time you ever meet Kol  work as a bartender love first sight him saving you from drunk man.

You and Kol got married and have a couple of kids .

Kol Mikaelson Imagine (38-100)Where stories live. Discover now