chapter 5: the Family history

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her mother explained that its not new that her father is a wizard and she herself is a smith,

for the shield to their family was never a myth,

 their grandmother saved a wizard who was about meet his final end,

and she brought him to her home so his wounds would mend, 

the wizard told her that he had been trying to stop a strange gray and evil man,

who revelled in destruction and causing as much misery as he can,

after the wizard healed he was about to head out quietly and alone, 

until with a smirk the grandmother told him that he wouldn't leave a young lady in danger at her home, 

so she picked up her armour and they headed out together to defeat the grey man together,

side by side they fought a long battle to try and make sure the grey man would be gone forever,

they thought him gone for good but one day he returned to town to bring destruction and despair,

so they worked hard together and forged a crystal heart made from love true and fair,

 the wizard used his skills to forge a magical gem with the shape of a heart,

while the grandmother forged the heart gem into a shield so from each other they would never part,

over the newly forged shield they kissed and declared their love,

as the crystal heart shield shined stronger than the sun shining above, 

together after a hard and long battle they where able to drive the grey man to his grave,

and forever with their love the future they could pave, 

but when they where old the grey man returned to destroy anew,

and although they where elderly, the wizard and the smiths spirit for saving others once again grew,

the wizard and the smith kissed one last time as his power unfurledand as the shield and the elderly smiths armour glowed he vanished from the world,

 she took no time in heading outside and raising the glowing shield to the sky,

the grandmother used all the power to save the residents and make sure the grey man was sealed or would die.

but with the citizens saved she vanished from the world as well,

joining together with her husband in loves eternal spell,her armour vanished along with her but the shield that saved them fell out of sight,

its glow completely gone and its black painting hiding it within the stars and the blackness of night.

 so it was your grandparents who saved you from the dragon the first time around, 

so always remain thankful to them as you rush out to save others from dangers sound.

The Rusting Shield By Kenneth Wright © 11 06 2018حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن