Chapter Three

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After my Prep Team, Buno, a Pink haired, fat, 40 year old man, Shasta, a 23 year old woman who died herself a Light Purple, and Rocky, an 18 year old man who shaved his head and died his nails a Lime Green, were done with me, they escorted me into this white room with an examination table, a rack of clothing, and a mirror. "Dako will be in here soon." Said Shasta.

Dako is a 30 year old women, with long, blue hair, pink skin, red eyes, and black nails. She was very ugly. She said "There is nothing to do except for you to put this on." What she gave me was a shark tooth necklace, Green Bermuda shorts, and a white shirt with pictures of tropical flowers on it.

Then she gave me this head piece. It was a black bandana with red flowers like the ones on my shirt on it. I put all of it on, embarrassed because I have to get down to my underwear, and look in the mirror. I looked decent.

When we meet up with Raven, she is wearing a white dress with the same flowers as my shirt on it. She has a Pink flower necklace instead of a shark tooth necklace, and no bandana.

When we come in on our chariot, everyone goes crazy. When all of the chariots are parked, I see President Snow come out. He gives his speech and after it he says "Let the 65th Hunger Games begin!" And he glances at me with a mad look and then looks down and walks away.

I didn't know what he was planing at the time, but later, I would figure out, that he hoped I would lose. I don't know what I did to him, and I didn't know why he wanted me to die so much.

A Boy and The Sea: A Hunger Games StoryWhere stories live. Discover now