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*The Crazy Turnover*


*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*



Hamish quickly got off Miriam then went and lay on the seat pretending not to be feeling well. Miriam then got off the wall, pulled her dress downwards and then went to unlock the door and went back to the kitchen.

"Hey hun, what are you doing here?" Matilda asked Hamish looking surprised.

"He is not feeling well and their gas is over so I decided to make some concoction and food for him." Miriam said.

"Am so sorry dear, get well soon." Matilda said then went to the bedroom; she looked tensed.

Miriam wanted to know why she came back yet she had gone for a sleepover, she followed her to the bedroom to interview her.

"Are you okay sis?" She asked her.

"No dear, I don't feel okay." Matilda replied desperately

"Why not?" Miriam asked sounding concerned.
Matilda first got off the bed then went to the door to peep and see if Hamish was still on the seat then slowly closed the door. Hamish saw her peep and he could hear them so when she went back in the bedroom, he tiptoed near the door to eavesdrop.

"When I was going to see Rita, Sam called me and said that he wanted us to talk and you know I can't get him off my head so I decided to pass by his house. Somehow he managed to convince me to spend the night and promised no sex; I called Rita and told her I would go in the morning instead. At around 8pm, we began cooking dinner and I was wearing his T-shirt and my booty short. Honestly sis I don't know how but somehow we ended up in bed and we had sex, some really nice sex and that made me get that feeling of wanting to have him back but after he had cum inside me, his girlfriend met us on his bed naked. She gave him a surprise visit and I ended up looking stupid and cheap, if Hamish ever finds out I slept with my ex he will dump me as well." Matilda said as tears formed in her eyes.

"Are you safe dear?" Miriam asked.

"No I am not, I just gave myself to him blindly thinking he had changed!" Matilda replied sobbing.

Hamish had heard everything and that made all his feelings for Matilda to fade away just like the morning dew. He went back to the seat and called Miriam.

"Hey, I heard everything and I am so pissed off right now; just pack for me some food I go and eat from my room." He said to her.

Miriam knew that she now had Hamish's attention so she did everything he asked. Matilda was feeling so guilty she could not even face him. He went to sleep feeling disappointed and wasted but it had already happened, nothing much he could do about it.

The following day Matilda was a bit sobber from her guilt, she decided to go and check on her boyfriend. Hamish was not in the mood for her company so he just did things to get her bored; she noted that he had changed.

"Have I wronged you dear?" She asked innocently.

"Yesterday I called three times, you never took my calls." Hamish replied.

"So you are mad at me because of that?" Matilda asked.

"Just leave me alone, I am not in the moods right now." Hamish replied sounding angry.

Matilda sensed that Hamish knew something so she decided to leave him alone to first cool down. After she left, Hamish packed his bags and decides to travel upcountry.

Coincidentally, Miriam as well decided to go and see her parents so Matilda was going to be left all alone. Hamish had no idea that Miriam was also going home and he did not bother telling her and Matilda.
Matilda decided to have a drink and sleep to calm herself and when she woke up, Miriam had already gone.

It was already evening when she woke up and Hamish had already left without her knowledge; she decided to go and explain everything to Hamish then seek his forgiveness.

When she got to the door, she found it unlocked and slightly open so she just walked in. There was nobody in the sitting room but she heard there was someone in the shower since the shower was on;  she decided to go to the bedroom and wait for him; she had no idea Hamish had already left.

She was still wearing her night dress and was having nothing else underneath since she wanted to first seduce Hamish. After about ten minutes, she heard the shower door open and she quickly placed her boobs in a seductive manner and sat in a romantic and very provocative way so as Hamish to be attracted to her.

She could hear the footsteps coming and her heartbeat became louder and faster due to tension. When she looked towards the door, she just saw someone walk in fully naked with a smaller python than she expected swinging around. When she looked up, her eyes met with Chris', he was also staring at her honey pot which was very visible from where he stood.

When Chris saw Matilda's boobs, thighs and the honeypot, he lost focus and forgot that he was naked, his python began to raise its head seeking for food. Matilda as well couldn't get her eyes off his chest and the thing swinging in between his legs; she just watched it as it woke from sleep, glued on the bed.

Chris had been yearning to get a taste of Matilda ever since the first day he met her when Miriam asked him to escort her so as to cover her madness. He met her in the kitchen bending over in such a way that he could see her pinky inner wear; just few weeks later, his eyes landed on the very destination he yearned for. Matilda felt shy and slowly closed her legs then bent her head in shame.


Continues in the next Episode.

As Written by;

©Author George Haman

Last Updated on 09/07/2019

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