Chapter 1: A Call For Help

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There are somethings that people can not understand. Things that, some say, are perhaps inexpiable; Regardless of how many diplomas and recognitions hung on the walls.

A plaque laid in the middle of the desk with the title 'Dr. Samuel Holt' carved into gold, which many would see as a symbol of pride.

But, the man sitting behind said desk, Samuel, for all his qualifications and degrees, found himself literally scratching his head. Light brown eyes looked over the glasses on his face at the opened file of his latest patient.

Keith Kogane. Age, twenty one. Records of conditions he has allegedly been diagnosed with. Prescriptions of countless medications with effects that Samuel would rather not have his patients, or anyone, for that matter, go through.

Samuel flipped the page.

"Insomnia. Hallucinations. Alcohol reliance. Aggressive behavior. Anxiety attacks. Sleep Paralysis. Patient has been diagnosed with paranoia and dissociation. After several weeks on Benzodiazepine (20mg Tabs, 3 Times Daily), patient has noted the following: Dizziness, Confusion, Drowsiness, Blurred Vision, Weakness, Slurred speech (observed), Lack of Coordination (observed) Anxiety, Headaches, Nausea. Patient has shown no improvement." Softly, Sam recited the notes written by his own hand with just skim of the page, things he has long since memorized. But no matter how many times he would look at those reminders, the last note in particular did not sit well with him.

There is something more. A restless itch prompted by what he considered was his intuition, unsatisfied with the conclusions the experience of his career would dictate.

Samuel sighed rubbing his temple then sat straight on his chair. To his right was his desktop displaying the images of old tabloids. The headlines in bold letters over images that covered most of the front page.




The picture that always got to Samuel the most was that of a child with dark hair being shielded by authorities, the image captured midwalk. Fear lurking silently from what little could be seen of the small boy's bruised face.

It was heartbreaking to see and much more so when Sam was seeing the consequences first hand. That poor boy had grown into a young man with too many walls because no one has had the capacity to understand. He couldn't blame them though, Sam himself wasn't sure what to make out of this peculiar patient, but he was unwilling to just give up.

But it did not mean that it was any less frustrating. Some may call it instinct or a 'gut feeling' but Samuel was convinced that he alone could not help the young Keith Kogane. Which was why he was still in the office late in the afternoon, sitting behind his large desk eagerly anticipating an important call.

Sam's eyes darted down to his mobile phone, fingers twitching to reach out those few inches to grab it. Sam decided to give it a little while more.

It will ring . The little voice inside his head told him, He must be busy but he'll call back . It didn't hurt to double check that there is any missed calls because the phone was set on vibrate.

A knock on the door startled him out of his deep thoughts. Sam blinked a few times to focus back on reality just in time to see his wife coming in.

"Am I interrupting dear?" She asked as she peeked through the door, most surely noting the slightly startled look on his face.

"Ah, Colleen. No, no it's fine I was just---you scared me a little. 'Was a little deep in thoughts, you know." Samuel offered her a jovial smile throughout his sentence in hopes to dispel the worried look that was wrinkling her face. Samuel didn't miss it when Colleen's brown eyes took a quick glance at the computer screen.

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