Close to me

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Stumbling out of the cave I could barely feel my legs. I fell on my knees, breathing heavily and sweat was running down my face. I had been successful in breaking the curse by drawing my part of the magic out of Nidhöggrs' body, but it had weakened me like nothing before. Cursing someone is one thing, taking back words spoken in rage and soaked with magic is another. I gasped for air but it didn't help much. I could feel the life leaving my body as my limbs turned colder. It seems I had pushed myself too far. I fell on the side, now lying in the green grass. The waterfall splashing in the distance. My sight blurred and my heartbeat weakened. I was dying and I didn't approve it at all. I had been so close! „It seems I don't have to get rid of you myself now." The dragons thoughts were pouring into my mind. „But were is the fun in that." Nidhöggr stepped out of his cave, stretching his massive body towards the sunlight that he had missed so much. He walked up to me and lowered his head now looking into my eyes. I could feel the dragons' magic floating through my body. And then nothing more.

A fire was crackeling close by, a soothing sound sometimes interrupted by someone crushing fresh herbes. I could smell their spicey scent mixed with an alcoholic note.
The weakness had not yet totally left my body but I felt the strengthening power of the dragon magic growing stronger inside me. I kept my eyes closed savouring this peaceful moment but it didn't last long. „You're awake." Lyliens voice was right beside me. I hadn't even noticed her coming closer. Her hand was touching my forehead now, spreading goosebumps all over my body. I still hadn't figgured out why she had this effect on my body but being prepared this time my inner frost giant could be kept hidden inside. I slowly opened my eyes. Lylien was kneeling beside me  with a worried but stubborn look on her face. Her long curly hair was tied together in a loose knot, leaving some single strands outside framing her face. I hadn't realized yet that her eyes were of a very dark blue interrupted by a few golden dots glowing in their dark depths.
Frowning in confusion about these for me very uncommen observations I tried to sit up. „And what do you think you're doing?!" Lylien asked, determinantly pushing me back on the ground.
I tried to fight her but weakened as I was I didn't stand a chance. My upper body fell back on the blankets she had draped on the floor. I gave her a piercing look while she was preparing whatever medicine she had decided to treat me with. It tasted awfull but I drank it anyway, remembering my plan on gaining back her trust.
„You have cured Nidhöggr." she said. „He told me how you have drewn out part of the magic that was feeding from his body. And like that he could heal himself." At first I couldn't identify whether she was still angry with me or happy about me saving that beast, but then she gave it away by revealing a huge smile. „Thank you, Loki." She was struggling with her emotions as if she was unsure what to do next. I couldn't blame her for it, knowing I was the one running from that kiss of hers yesterday. „ I know he is important for you and that you have grown fond of him beyond the usual care of your task of curing him. And I wanted to prove that I am not as useless in performing magic as my lack of talent in meditation might insinuate." I replied smirking.
A releaved exhale escaped her lips that she couldn't hide. It seems we were back to talk in a normal matter again from now on and maybe even more than that.

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