Chapter 18, Sans POV

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The chair rolls from under me, and I punch the machine with a growl. Blue flickers along the edge of my vision, but the data remains the same on the screen.

Subject 8: Elemental Human Hybrid

Created: XX/XX/XXXX

Status: Repurposed

The word sinks into my mind, along with a cold chill. Repurposed. The scientists here were some of the worst monsters I had never met, and I felt conflicted about the fact I never would. The scientist part of me demanded answers, the Judge wanted restitution.

I wanted justice.

All would be somewhat denied. Oh, there was plenty of data that could be recovered, now that Mettaton hooked himself into a proxy to delve into the banks, but much of what he was uncovering is corrupted.

I take a few steadying breaths, and then walk to grab my chair. Rolling it back, I sit down and dive into the code again.

Chatty lied.

No, no she hadn't. At least, not really. She had told me what she was. That she was number 12. That (y/n) was number 8. She just.......never told the whole truth.

Subject 8 was repurposed after the failed escape attempt. And Chatty was what they created.

My eyes glance to the side, and I drag a file over to me. Opening it, I slide out the two pictures.

One was of a human child. Short (h/c) hair cut into a bob, framing a defiant face with (e/c) eyes glaring determinedly into the camera.

The other was a skeleton, with white lights barely glowing from the black sockets.

Holding the two side by side, I finally see the comparison. The identical bone structure. The determined yet terrified stance.

The soul. The (s/c) heart. The (s/c) sparks. Glowing in her eyesockets. Filling her cheekbones when she blushed. Running down her cheeks as tears.

I cover my face with my hands, breathing in shuddering sighs. How many times had she skirted the truth?  How many times had she avoided telling me everything? Anything?

How did it weigh on her soul, the feeling that she didn't trust me?

But, had I really given her the option to trust me completely?

I click on several reference links, dredging up files in the seemingly endless search for answers. Oh, we had the pieces, the main events. Al and I could already put together a timeline of what happened, and knowing her she already has. There were still gaps of missing information, however. What started the experiments? How did they get a Human soul? 

Why did everyone else in facility die except for Chatty and those other three?

Access Denied

The chair flies out from under me as I jerk to my feet. Flipping a double barrel salute to the alert on the screen, I grab my jacket and stomp out of the Head Scientist's Office.

Down the hall, I ignore the open doorways with their smashed tubes. Creation chambers, we had learned from the files. Each one for a different Subject. Fourteen had been successful. Fourteen, out of the sixty odd chambers. Makes me wonder if they were failures, or just never had a chance to be completed before Chatty destroyed the place.

I find Al in the Archives, nose deep in a file cabinet. Clearing my throat, I walk over to her.

"hey, any luck?" She looks up at me, glasses sliding down her dirt smudged face. Her brown eyes were carefully cold, keeping her caring nature detached while she dived into the experimental notes.

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