Knock-Knock Jokes {Jay [MxA]} (kind of shitpost)

182 6 11

Song: To The Moon by Phora

Season: .... i d f k ....

Word count: 1,004

First Person

Beach walks.

So goddamn cliche, but honest to god, it took a whole new feeling when you're with your loved one.

Of course, I had almost rolled my eyes when Jay held out his hand and offered, but was happy to accept with obligation anyway.

It was lovely. A long tropical beach, soft white sand under our bare feet, the rhythmic lapping of the beautiful cyan water against the shore, a gorgeous view of the sunset on the water just to the right. Hand in hand, smiles on both our faces. A loose 'say whatever the hell you want to' vibe in the air, a luxury I knew the ninja did not always have.

Perhaps we were so happy because this whole trip we had refused to talk about anything too serious for long, and now was probably the most non- World-Is-Ending conversation yet. We were just laughing and telling knock-knock jokes.

Simple and sort of childish, but any time spent with Jay was absolutely wonderful. Besides, we were having too much fun laughing at the jokes (that weren't even all that funny) to worry about how stupidly immature we were being.
We had zero responsibilities for once, and we were drinking it up like the sweetest tea.

"Knock knock," Jay hummed.

"Who's there?" I responded, as if I hadn't repeated the phrase a thousand times earlier that evening.

"Annie!" my sky blue eyed boyfriend grinned,

"Annie who?"


We cracked up once again. Our laughter was the only sound apart from the calming crashing of the waves.

"Okay, okay," I laughed, trying to catch my breath. "Knock knock!"

"Who's there?"


"Robin who?"

"Robbin' you, now hand over the cash!"

Jay mock yelled in horror, dramatically raising his hands to his face as I held my hands in finger guns to his head.


More abrupt laughter and smiles all around. God, I was having so much fun.

Panting hard as he tried to recover, Jay wheezed, "Knock knock!"

"Who's there?"


"Spell who?"

Jay shrugged, struggling to remain straightfaced. "Okay. W-H-O."

It took a second to register, but when I got it, I facepalmed, involuntary giggles erupting in my chest.

"Not a good one," I laughed. Jay mock pouted.

"Oh c'mon, and yours was?"


Jay cackled, "Out of all the possible choices of humor, you want to be queen of knock-knock jokes?"

I snorted, "Says the king of puns."

"Don't knock it till you try it!"

"Oh my god, someone fucking end me," I wheeze.

"What, can't handle my puns?" Jay grinned, earning a giggle and light push on the shoulder.

"Just.. shut it," I snickered.

"Y'know, you should really be open to new things," he smirked.

"I'm a little bipolar. Sometimes I'm always open and other times I'm completely closed off. It depends on who I'm dealing with," I responded with an out-of-breath chortle.

"You're a-door-able, nonetheless!" Jay grinned cheekily. We both burst into laughter once again.

"Ohhh my god, I love you so much, Jay," I sighed happily.

"I love you too, [Y/N]," he smiled, planting a short kiss on my lips. The familiar heat rising to my face and butterflies forming in my stomach returned, and I was disappointed he ended it so short, but kept the warm smile on my face.

"Ooh, I got another one!" exclaimed Jay. "Knock knock."

"Heheh, who's there?"


"Lettuce who?"

"Lettuce spend the rest of our life together."

I think my heart stopped working. "W-wha?"

When I turned with wide eyes, he was suddenly on his knee, staring up at me with intense hope in his deep baby blue eyes. He subconsciously chewed his lower lip, a habit of his to help himself cope with nervousness. Clutched in his outstretched slightly quivering hands was a small open box with a beautiful rose gold diamond ring sitting inside.

"[Y/N] [L/N]," he breathed. "Will you marry me?"

My hands involuntarily slapped over my mouth. I felt my eyes blur with tears - tears of happiness.

"I-I..." I choked on my own happy tears. I was too full of ecstasy, I couldn't find my voice, I couldn't move my body, but my answer was so obvious, it rung like a mantra over and over in my head,
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yesyesyesyesYES!

     As my silence dragged on for a few seconds, I notice Jay's gaze drift down for a minute, his bright smile faltering lightly as his fingers pushed the lid shut.

     "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn'tve—"

     "Yes.." I whispered, finally managing to speak. His eyes lifted, shock and relief painted his expression, his wide joyous grin quickly returning. "Yes!" I repeated, the tears streaming down my smiling face. "YES! YESYESYES!"

     An overjoyed laugh left Jay's lips. He dropped the ring case and scooped me up by the waist, spinning around with thrilled cries of happiness. He pulled me close and our lips met. I hadn't even felt when my feet touched the sand, I was still on cloud nine.
I was still crying, but I didn't care. All that mattered was Jay.
Jay, Jay, Jay, the center of my universe, my light, my love, my life, wanted to be with me forever, I could not be happier.

     He pulled away because we needed breath (fuck oxygen. Who needs it?) and hugged me tightly.

"I love you, Jay," I panted.

     "I love you too, [Y/N]," he cried. "I-I love you so much! You're my everything, my sunrise and sunset! My universe!"

He didn't let me go. It was bliss. He sniffled lightly, and I realized we were both crying like idiots. Sappy, smiling, lovesick idiots, and I couldn't be happier about it.

[A/N] Oh my god, it's so cheesy, I love it sm—

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