First misson // Chapter 1

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This story does not link into any of my other ones!


Amelia's POV-

I'm one of the youngest in my class. I'm quick and hyper. I'd say I'm also the best. Im sitting in the lounge daydreaming and drinking the nasty coffee they give us. I haven't slept in a few days, so I drink as much as I can.

"Amelia?" One of my coworkers calls my name. "Yeah?" I respond snapping out of my trance. "The boss wants to see you." He points to the bosses door.

Ah great. I hope I'm not in trouble. I walk in and sit down, "What's up mister boss man?" I'm not that formal if you can't tell.

"Amelia, I have a case for you." I almost explode. I jump right out of the chair, "Really?! My first case!? I don't care what it is, I'll take it!!" I practically shout in his face.

"Well I'm happy for your enthusiasm, but this isn't a normal case. You will be traveling abroad." He sets the manila folder in front of me. "Where?" I grab the folder and see, 'England'.

"Oh." I stare at the folder and the information in it. "What? You don't like England?" He folds his hands on the desk. "I- no.. But I expected something more.. Exciting?" I'm being honest, I wish I could've gotten something like Italy! So I could see all the art and history. But I guess England is okay?

"Ah, well.. It is much more interesting than you think." take a second glance at the folder, 'Dangerous Brits' ? "Hah! Yeah right. How could a couple of Brits be dangerous?" I laugh at the name.

"I wouldn't be laughing.. They kill ruthlessly and we think that they are plotting something big." My bosses voice turned more serious. "Hmm.. Well I'm a sucker for danger. I'll do the case. It will be a piece of cake." I confidently stand up. "When do I start?"

"Now. Your fake ID is in the folder. The private jet is outside." He points to the window. "A PRIVATE JET?! EEEEE! HOLD ON I GOTTA GET MY STUFF!" I can't help but squeal! I'm so excited! I dash out of the room and run down the buildings stairs as fast as I can.

I get in my car and speed down the road to my house.

~After Amelia packs and comes back~

I give my stuff to the bagging person and run into the plane. It will probably be a long ride so I text my group chat.



Gilgil : "WHATTTTT?"

Den : "Hey guys I think I got my plunger stuck in my toilet"



Gilgil : "BYE!"

Den : "BYEBYE!"


I turn off my phone and fall asleep and dream of kicking British butt.


"Ma'am.. We've landed in England." I get poked awake by the flight attendant. "Oh sorry!" I jump up and walk off the jet.

She hands me my bags and I thank her. "So where do I go now?" I look around and spy a black car pulling up. "Oh! Bye!" I wave to the flight attendant and hop in the car.

"Good evening Ms. Jones." The driver greets. "Please just call me Amelia." I say as I set my luggage in front of me and put on my seatbelt.

"Of course, I will be driving you to your hotel." He says as we start driving. I grab my phone out of my pocket and text the Awesome Gang.


Melia : "Hey guys! I landed and I'm driving to my hotel!"

Gilgil : "Cool!!"

Den : " Guys.. I think I really broke my toilet with the plunger.."

Melia : " Bruh.."

Gilgil : " 😂"


"Crazies.." I chuckle as the driver pulls up to my hotel. "Here we are." I thank him and walk into the hotel. Wow. It's beautiful.. A glass chandelier hangs from the ceiling, making everything in the room shimmer with gold.

I walk to the reception, "Hello! My name is..." I look at my ID. "Mia Welsh." I show it to her. "Room 345." She doesn't even glance at me. She just hands me a key card. Oh well.

I take the elevator up to the 3rd floor. I'm surprisingly alone in the elevator, which I'm grateful for. When I reach the floor, I roll my luggage to room 345.

I open the door and collapse on the bed, jet lag is weighing in. I close my eyes and drift away.

Yeahhh when I said I wanted to make a UkUs fic I meant it! So yeah.

Also when I say "boss" I don't mean the president. I just mean a regular boss at a job. Keep in mind that they are humans!


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