
13 1 2

Character references-
Middle- Rylee
Right- leah


It was a kind of dark you'd feel when you were sleep deprived and had stayed up late the night before binge watching all the Saw movies. That was the kind of dark Leah felt. And that may partially be due to the fact that she had indeed stayed up late watching all the Saw movies. Some of her fellow teenage pack members had convinced her into an all out movie marathon, which she was hesitant about until she heard that Caleb Whitney would be going too. Caleb was a beautiful being to say the least. With his styled dirty blonde hair and that smile that could change any straight guy gay, he was a real catch. A real catch who still hadn't found his mate, and led Leah to assume it must be her since she was under the age of finding a mate and he wasn't.

Leah was stiff as she lifted herself up from the tree outside the back of her pack house. Maybe it was the strange noises that she swore she hadn't heard the night before when she was with more people, or maybe it was the tingling sense of hers that made her hyper aware of anything that could go wrong. And in this part of the woods, there was a lot.

The only light was the moon in the sky as she started to drag herself into the woods, figuring she might as well check out the borders in case there actually was something wrong.

The only sound was the chirp of crickets and bullfrogs from the nearby pond. That, and the cracking of sticks from underneath her shoes.

It wasn't long before she was tired of walking and decided to just shift. Shifting wasn't a relatively hard thing to do, it just hurt the first few times any young wolf attempted it. By now she was a natural and could hear her wolf, Lydia, practically bursting with joy as her legs and arms became more jointed and, well, furry.

Her wolf was a slick light brown wolf, whose fur in the sun gave off a golden shine. It was quite different from the usual grey of her pack mates and earned her a lot of attention throughout her years. 'Sadly not from Caleb' she thought.

Lydia let out a soft comforting purr and she was back out on her miniature journey to the pack borders. The path was windy but necessary to avoid burrs and pointy sticks. Leah's little brother, Aiden, had gotten some nasty burrs stuck in his fur last summer and they took almost three days to remove.

She let out a quiet huff of laughter at the thought. She could remember how much he had whined and begged for it to be over as her mother plucked and pulled them from his fur.

Finally Leah was at the border and she sat down with a winded breath. The stars were most beautiful in the forest, with no lights to block them out.  At least Leah's grandma always said so. Her grandma was the nicest woman you would ever meet, with light blonde hair and a short body type, she was your typical old lady next door with those sweet cookies. That was until she died about three months ago.

It was a rogue attack. An all black ex- alpha had come into the pack as some sort of vengeance act from his own pack exiling him or something. This was only discovered from intense questioning afterwords. He had started attacking people and right as he lunged for some little pup named Sydney, her grandma had bravely leaped in front of him, pushing Sydney out of the way. She hadn't made it, along with two more pack members. Their funerals had been held a week later in the pack center, with bagpipes and cheese cubes. The whole shabang.

Leah's thoughts were interrupted by a bright light in the sky, moving from left to right. 'A shooting star' she thought to herself, 'make a wish'. She closed her eyes tight, wishing the same thing as always. 'I wish for some godly figure to take me back in time to save her'.

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