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Elise was washing her wings with some boiling water when she heard a familiar splash. Whenever Rylee showed up she purposefully tried to splash as much as she could onto the cave floors just to mess with the other girls sharing short residence there. It was a good thing Elise decided to boil her water towards the back of the cave or she'd have gotten salt water on her from todays abnormally large splash.

When she looked over to the entrance of the cave, Elise saw Rylee giggling manically, with something else splashing behind her.


Elise moved forward carefully to inspect the splashing behind the fish girl. Whatever it was must have been under water, or maybe it was even one of the side flippers of Rylee's tail. 'Can she even move those?' Elise wondered.

"What's that?" She finally asked, signaling to the form behind her.

Suddenly it leaped out of the water with a loud clicking noise that filled the cave. When it landed Elise could see it's long blue/grey snout with smooth fins in the back and flippers.

A dolphin

"What on earth is that doing here?"

"What? She's my friend!" Rylee huffs.

"Your friend is an animal?"

Rylee just humphs and crosses her arms.

"She's as capable of having friends as you are. Aren't you girl?"

The dolphin squeaks and nuzzles it's head into the mermaids webbed fingers.

"Does she have a name?" Elise asks.

"Yup. Her name is Newt"



"Isn't that a lizard?"

"What's a lizard?"

"I- nothing"

The dolphin, Newt, just chirped.

The dolphin, Newt, just chirped

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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