2| Together Again

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I talked with Auntie Cyan for a while, filling her in on what happened these past 12 years. She was shocked to say the least. As the sky faded to it's familiar orange, pinks and purples of the sunset, I looked at Auntie Cyan.

"I should tell Auntie Emilia that your all okay."

Cyan stared for a moment before nodding. I smiled at her and gave her a big hug.

"I missed you Auntie...."

"I missed you too kiddo..."

With a final wave to Cyan I made my way home to Auntie Emilia and Uncle Taft. The walk seemed longer than it really is, but it was probably just because I had so much going through my head. I had stopped for a moment so I could listen to the scenery and that's when the grumbling began. It wasn't noticeable at first, but it got really loud within a matter of seconds.

The ground beneath my feet opened up and I let out a startled yelp. A large skinny monster about 150 feet long made it's way out of the ground. It took one of its giant claws and picked me up. I started squirming around in an attempt to free myself. Suddenly a tall shadow sliced of the arm of the monster. The shadow stood at 6 foot 2 with messy hair black fading to a deep red. The figure looked at me and gave a toothy grin.

"How ya doin' squirt?"

I thought for a moment. This voice sounded strangely familiar but I couldn't place it. Then it hit me.

"Uncle Brendon!!!"

The figures grin widens as I realize who it is.

"Took you long enough!"

I hug Brendon and jump down onto the ground. Brendon high fives me before taking my hand.

"You still need to get home. Taft and Emilia are probably worried sick."

I giggle as we start walking back home. During that time Uncle Brendon tells me his adventure stories. Thanks to the extra company we make it home quickly. When Uncle Brendon rings the door bell I can feel his palms start to sweat. He hasn't seen Auntie Em and Uncle Taft since Mom and Dads funeral. The door opens and we a greeted by the teary face of Auntie Emilia.

"Oh my god Kaytelynn! Thank goodness your okay! Who is this- Oh my, Brendon!!"

As Auntie Em hugs Brendon, Uncle Taft comes running. His expression is priceless when he sees Brendon.

"Oh my god your alive!!"

Auntie Em steps aside letting us come inside, "Come in and have a drink."

The adults talk in the living room while I walk up too my room and begin to draw a picture of Mom, Dad and I before the accident... When we were all a happy family.

"You really miss them huh?..."

I hide the drawing and look to the door, I recognize the familiar tone of Brendon and sigh.


Brendon walks over to me and looks at the drawing, he mutters something about it being impressive before placing his hand on my shoulder. I feel something different on his hand that I didn't notice before...it's almost like... a ring?

"Uncle Brendon... Did you and Heather get married?"

He flinches at the sudden question but lets out a laugh.

"So ya noticed huh?"

If I had eyes I bet they would've lit up. I jump up and hug him.


"Thanks squirt."

I pout playfully at his comment. "I-I'm not a squirt."

Brendon laughs again. "Sure."

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