Ch. 6

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" um I don't think that's a good idea" ash exclaimed
"Oh really? So you think you can?"
" yeah" she replied.
"Mmhm ok sure" i say rolling my eyes
" alright cmon ash you need a week off , I'm pretty sure jo will do fine" Audrey said
" eh, i don't know"
" I'm 24 years old I have a job two kids and still manage to live my life happily without out my ex husband "
" jo were not saying you can't take care of kids were saying that 7 kids is a lot"
"Audrey👀 you have to trust me I can do this you , ash and Christina need to go have fun"
"Ok what about you" ash replied
"I went clubbing wit my coworkers last week"
"Hmmm ok fine jo I will trust you with my kids" Ashley said
"Same here"
"Ok good thank you"
"Wait what about Christina" Ashley said in a non-convincing tone.
"Oh shiz I forgot, I'm pretty sure she won't care"
" yeah right" Audrey said sarcastically
"Ugh, cmon this is Christina where talkin about"
"Ok and jo she's 22 she's a grown women and loves and Cares for her kid"
"Ok well whatever she can text me if she wants me to watch jimin, but I want y'all to bring y'all kids stuff."
" what do you mean"
"Jesus ash I swear your clueless sometimes"

To be continued 😗❤️

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