Chapter three part four point reverse: r e a l h a p p y h o u r s

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(OI, OI)

(wOaH WHaTs Dis OwO)

Germany's POV

11'th grade

I stepped through the front door, the house was quiet, I looked left into the living room, dad was passed out on the couch, Austria walked out of the kitchen with a pop, he walked past me and into his room, I walked down the hall into my room, I laid down in bed, I felt too tired to cry anymore today, I dozed off


I found myself in a hazy field, the grass was waving back and forth, everything was a shade of grey, little flowers started sprouting up out of the ground, while the ground starting moving around, a scene of hills rolling across a countryside appeared before me, I decided to walk a bit, I encountered a large circle of flowers, I stepped into it, my stomach twisted around inside me as I fell through the ground, I slammed into the dirt, it didn't hurt at all, I got up and brushed myself off, I took a look around and saw a massive, empty field, it was completely barren, for what seemed to be miles I saw nothing but a flat, featureless, landscape, I thought for a moment about the emptiness of this place, then flowers and trees started growing around me, the ground started to shift and change beneath me, the sky filled with clouds, wind blew through the brand new landscape, and I heard the chirping of birds in the trees, as the breeze ran against me I felt cold as shit, I looked down and notice that I, was indeed naked, I tried to think about me being clothed but nothing happened, I thought about how I wasn't wearing any cloths, then I was clothed in a blink of an eye, I looked down at my outfit, I was wearing combat boots, flecktarn pants, and a red jacket, a black belt was keeping my pants from falling down around my ankles, so its something I would normally wear

I walked for a moment, I saw a few weird things, like a car lodged into a tree, a pocket knife with wings, and a baggie of mints, just laying on top of giant flower, I picked up the bag of mints and put one in my mouth, everything went dark and I teleported to a different location, I was in a gas station, I saw a shadowy figure behind the counter, I slowly approached it, I waved my hand in font of its face, it sat there, moving only slightly, then all of a sudden it's back went upright, and it started waving its hand, I looked behind me and saw another figure enter through the door (are you sure about that? entering THROUGH A DOOR? ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY MY GUY?!) the new figure walked into an isle, grabbed something and walked back to the counter it set down money on the counter and started to leave, I got close to it and tried to grab the object out of its hand, but I couldn't touch it, my hand went through it and the figure, I looked closer and noticed it was a plastic bag filled with peppermints, the figure walked out of the door, I instantly was transported back to the forest, I saw the pocket knife with wings fly past me, I reached out of it, I grabbed it, it started to struggle and flap it's wings harder in an effort to get away from me, I felt a tug in my chest

(wait, another one?)

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