Part 1- The Reaping

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"We all have days that we wish we could change. Days that if we could've just gone back it would've made it all better."


"But what would happen if you got chosen, mom? I'd beat whoever's ass that even looks at you." I looked at Katsuki with a marveling smile. I'd always admired how loyal he was to his family, I hope that I'll get to show my mom how much I care one day, hopefully, it wouldn't have to be thanks to the games though.

"Now you listen to me Katsuki, you too Izuku, as mothers we love you with all of our hearts, and as mothers, we want the best for you. If your mom is ever chosen for the games be brave and know that they are fighting for you. You've still got ten years before you need to think about being chosen though."

"But why not take their place so that they can live?" I asked Mitsuki, before she could respond Katsuki interrupted her.

"Your weak if you wouldn't take your mothers place."


"It's true! I'd take your place in the games even if it killed me. I'd never let them hurt you. And Deku would be a fool to not do the same."

"What if it was you and I against each other Katsuki?" I asked twirling my thumbs.

"We'll see who comes out on top."


The 12 districts were built from each other in wealth and crops, not to say that any of the 12 were any richer in money or crops than the next, only that they were all poor starving areas. Every last one. Except for the capital. The capital, filled with the most powerful people you'd ever meet serviced their own and only their own. If you don't have money or a name higher than professional then don't even bother thinking of having a place in the clouds. It's hard to rise up in the world of the districts but there's a chance every year from one person to make it.

The Hunger Games.

Anyone ages 15-35 have their name in the ballad. Your probability of getting picked goes up with every time your name gets put into the ballad. Have kids? Another name. Do you have a quirk? Another slip with your precious name. The higher your quirk strength is, your name is put in for every heightened rank you are. I've got lower than a 5% chance yet I still worry that I will be picked. My father was killed when he tried to fight the peacekeepers when I had snuck out at age 5. I learned many things when I was young, the most important being that everyone in this world is out for themselves. Yet despite every time I try to repeat that mantra to myself, a little voice comes through and convinces me otherwise. Not everyone is a monster and one day a hero will come through and set all of the districts free from the capitals hardened fist.

"Izuku, brush your hair out again."

I nod and run the battered brush through my disobedient hair. Staring at our yellowed mirror I noticed the crack running along the bottom for the millionth time in my life. Today was the day that was a mother's nightmare and a child's sleep paralysis demon come to life, today's the reaping. The day that two people from every district will be torn away from their family and friends to take part in The Hunger Games. A real-life reality show where the tributes are forced to kill one by one until only one remain. I'd turned 15 only a week ago and now I'll be at the stakes of fighting for my life against possible friends. It could all be ruined. The different districts have no differences besides the numbers that categorize them. We all struggle. Except for the capital where food is never a far off dream and lights turn on my a switch on the wall. It should be like that for everyone, not just the powerful ones in our world.

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