Chapter 6: The Raging Storm(SHORT)

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In case you didn't read the chapter title or warning last chapter, this chapter is going to be a little shorter than the other chapters. I just felt like this would be better because the last chapter was getting way too long. Okay, enjoy <3

*Erika's P.O.V*

Erika guessed fate didn't want her to tell Eren she loves him, because every time she tried, someone interrupts them! She hated it, but kept it under control. She'll tell him after this. If they both make it. . . She pushed the thought away. They would survive this. They had to. Erika grabbed her hand and smiled a little, remembering when Eren grabbed her hand. . .they were big for their age and so. . .so warm and soft. . .

Stop it! She scolded herself silently as she ran off a building roof and activated her gear. She flew through the air gracefully and landed on a building, her team landing after her, Armin and Eren last.

Victoria turned to the group with a grin. "Alright, guys! Remember the nape is how you kill them! Never give up, even if you die. This is what you signed up for, so fulfill your duties! Let's put them back in hell where they belong!" She raised her blade in the air.

The group cheered and Eren stood next to Victoria, making Erika tense a little. "Victoria's right! Our first job is to assist the front guard. Our second is to wipe the titans off this world!" And that was that. The eight ran off the building and zipped through the city.

Erika got her blades out as she saw a jumping figure. Fear spread through her.

"Abnormal! Look out guys!" Victoria yelled at her group. They all drifted away quickly and landed on a building. She stumbled but turned back to grin at her full team, but the titan turned to them and showed Thomas hanging out of its mouth. His eyes were wide and he was gasping in horror.

"Oh my God." Erika gasped, covering her mouth in shock.

"H. . .help me." Thomas gasped out to them. All they could do was watch in frozen horror as Thomas was swallowed whole.

Victoria regained herself and stood in front of the cadets, shaking. "We have to move-"

"NO!" Eren yelled, zipping after the abnormal. "YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO THOMAS!"

"Eren wait!" Erika zipped after him quickly. Her heart froze when a titan jumped up and bit his leg off. "EREN!" She yelled as she was pushed out of the way by Victoria as a titan tried to eat her. She barely saw as her sister killed the titan.

"No please! Please-" Mina's cry was cut short and Erika turned to see her friend head bet bitten off. Erika was shaking violently now. A scream made her head snap.

"Armin!" Victoria cried as an old-looking titan dropped her blonde friend into its mouth.

Erika rushed over to where Armin was about to get eaten, then a weight hit her arms. She was now holding Armin, who was slimy with titan spit.

Erika set him down and she stared in horror at Eren holding the mouth of the titan open. "Eren!" She cried.

"I. . .I'm not going to die. . . not in a place like this. It. . . was you who taught me, Armin. Victoria. . . you showed me to never give up. Erika," Eren turned his emerald eyes on Erika and held out a hand to her. "Fight."

Erika let out a cry, "Eren! Hurry---!" The mouth of the titan snapped shut.

Time seemed to slow down as Eren's arm flew toward Erika. She fell to her knees and stared as Eren's blood went everywhere--- some landed on her face. She didn't even wipe it off.

"No," Victoria's voice croaked. She fell to her knees, dropping her blades and staring at the titan. She closed her eyes and got on all fours as her tears fell onto the orange roof. "Dammit. Eren, God dammit. Why. . . why. . . ?" She whispered, voice cracking.

Erika wiped the blood off her cheek and stared at it on the back of her hand. This was Eren's. . . blood. . . She held her hand close to her chest and cried. She barely heard Armin screaming in horror.

"Armin," Victoria's voice made Erika lookup, tears blurring her vision. Her sister was on her knees in front of Armin, tears streaming down her face. "Armin, please, you need to. . you need to wake up," She lowered her head, sobbing quietly before lifting her head again. "I'm sorry," She took his face and pressed her lips against his.

All emotions in Erika's heart were dull, but she was shocked. She never thought her sister would get the courage, and she definitely didn't think she'd ever see her sister and Armin kiss. Victoria pulled away from him, titan spit dragging with her lips. She didn't even wipe it off. "Protect my sister, okay?" She whispered, tracing a thumb on Armin's cheek.

Armin's finally focused on her and he stared at her with wide eyes, silent with shock.

Victoria got back to her feet and picked her blades up. "DIE!" She snarled and ran off the building.

"Victoria!" Armin yelled after her, reaching a hand towards her.

The ginger glanced back and smiled gently before she rushed forward and began killing titan after titan, not missing once with her blades.

Then something made Erika jolt in horror. A titan leaped up and ate her sister, biting her right arm off. Her sister's scream of pain was quickly silenced as she fell down the throat of the titan. Slowly, realization dawned on Erika as Armin let out short gasps of horror with tears running down his face.

"VICTORIA!" Erika screamed, eyes glowing brightly and a shock-wave traveling through the city of Trost. Then she fell to her knees, Armin barely catching her before she fell off the roof. He was screaming at her, but she couldn't hear him. It was as if she were underwater. His voice was fuzzy and unclear. She looked at him with wide eyes before they rolled up into her head and everything went black.

Words: 1039(the others chapter had, like, 2045 or something, lmao, sorry)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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