Ya Boi Did It Again

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#Tagged 🙄

Just shush I don't have another book to spam y'all on.

My sister Shipsrlife2 tagged just me so y a y

Facts about the artist

1- I literally just left FrameCast yesterday and I feel v accomplished. It was a good place to start drawing online though, nice and simple. 👍

2- I weigh one pound over the average of a 12 year old and I am 16. :|

3- I am an INFJ and I think that's pretty cool

4- I don't like talking about myself

5- I'm this old and I've never kissed anyone, but the thought makes me happy. First grade does not count because for the record, both of us were pushed.

6- I haven't had a crush since 5th grade because I've done messed up big time and I don't deserve to mess anyone else's lives up (bit exaggerated)

7- I play the violin even thought I suck at it 🎻

8- my imagination is so vivid that whatever anyone says I vividly imagine and sometimes actually smell or taste and you'd think it's so great and all until someone starts talking about things. Good news, dreams are that more amazing. I've had full tasty meals in my sleep and they were delicious (fight me, I'm weird) bad news, nightmares are that more terrifying. I've been drowned in a lake, and have had the darkness jump out to me, not to mention the feeling of knives cutting my feet. I don't even know what it's like to be cut by a knife

9- I can talk about dreams and imagination for hours

10- my besties and I plan on going on our first dates this school year. It's the golden year and we really need at least some idea on actually dating before we're upperclassmen.


Tag 28 people
- absolutely not
-I don't even have that many followers I don't think


Joke- My Life


In a more serious note, I do actually plan on writing a hopefully original story. Am I sure when? Soon. Will I go through with it? Probably not since I haven't been for 3 years.

Spoiler for it? There's magic involved.

And werewolves

And cliché crap that I'm trying to put together

- - -

Alright have a nice life

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