messages between : hermione and ron

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[to understand this better read the 'messages between : hermione and ron' chapter in my snapchat book]

[hermione's pov]



what do you want?

i understand if you're mad


lmao why wouldn't i be mad.

look i just read the messages
this morning. i didn't know
what i was saying, i had been
drinking and things got out of hand.


i didn't mean any of that stuff
i said you know

you didn't mean any of it?

all the awful stuff i said about
draco and pansy. i didn't mean it.
i just miss you and harry.
it feels like you guys are
drifting away. i don't
want to be alone. i just
let out so much anger on you
and im really sorry.

no you're mad bc
they're slytherin.

ugh mione

i admit i used to never like


all the stuff with voldermort and
so many dark wizards coming from
slytherin. i just gave into the bad
rep they have. i shouldn't have.
im going to be apologizing to the lot
of them. draco, pansy, blaise.

millicent too.

yes. i shouldn't have judged them.
i didn't even know them. and
they're really nice. i found i get along
with them very well.


is pansy mad at me?


bc you were w her last night.
i suppose you had been telling
her about the texts.

no actually. she was asleep.

well you probably told her
in the morning.

ron all i said was we got into a fight.

what did she say.

she just asked if i was okay.

are you?

yeah i suppose.
i know you're sorry. you
don't have to worry
about me telling anyone
about that btw.

thanks, i was just worried
she was going to freak
out on me today..

lmao she is scary isn't she >:)



hahah well believe me if i had
been telling her everything
as it was going on she would've
snatched my phone and knocked
some sense into you herself.
she's very good at
getting people to shut up and
agree with her.

sounds familiar.

lmao she's better than me.

i am happy for you guys, honestly.

well thank you

but i do miss you. i know things
can't go back to the way they were
between us but i hope they
can go back to the way they were
before all of the rOmAnCe

lol of course ron i refuse to
lose you as a friend

im glad.

and im sorry, again.

apology accepted.
now hurry up and come
down to the common room
before we miss breakfast.


read 7:21 am

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