Finding the Pack hunters

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Wolf raced through the forest. He felt great, but then something made him lose the scent of his pack. It was a Lynx! Lynxes are well known for attacking, and killing wolves, especially cubs like Wolf! The lynx was only a few paw-lengths away, so it must have picked up Wolf's scent.

Suddenly, the lynx turned and snarled at Wolf. Any moment now, Wolf was going to be fighting a wolf's biggest enemy. The lynx pounced onto Wolf. Wolf could smell it's disgusting breath, pounding in his ears, it's huge fangs piercing his fur...

At that moment, the lynx screamed. Something had injured this ferocious predator. Wolf recognised the hero's scent. The one who had risked his life to save Wolf was his cousin, Eagle. The young eaglet had dived at the lynx that was about to kill Wolf. Wolf wanted to thank him for saving his life, but Eagle had flown off after the lynx scraped at him.

Wolf went back to tracking his pack hunters. The scent was fading as the day went on. If Wolf didn't find his pack soon, the scent would be lost, and so would he. Wolf trotted through the forest, hoping to catch a glimpse of his sister, or another hunter. Wolf had been searching all day now and he needed to find somewhere to spend the night. He made his den under a dead pine tree.

He woke to the sound of barking. It must be his pack! But it couldn't be. Wolf didn't recognise the scent, ore the faces of these wolves. One of them, who Wolf assumed was the leader, walked slowly towards him. Wolf felt his fur stand on end. Was this new pack angry at him for being in their territory? The leader came closer and closer, while Wolf thought of what they might do to him.

"Are you alright?" he said gently.

"Who.. who are you?" Wolf asked, terrified.

"I am Sniffer, leader of SnowPack" answered Sniffer. Wolf himself belonged to MoonHowlerPack, and had been told there are other wolf packs in the forest. He knew Sniffer, but the last time he saw him was many moons ago. Wolf should have recognised the scent! Sniffer had didn't recognise Wolf either, for the last time they'd met was when Wolf was only a cub.

"Ah, Wolf, it's you!" He cried when he finally recognised the small grey-and-white wolf cub. "Good to see you're safe! But what are you doing so far away from your pack's territory?" the SnowPack leader asked. Wolf thought of what to say for a moment. If the message that he ran away from his pack to go hunting, when he was specifically told not to, spread and the pack meet he would get kicked out of his pack for sure!

"Um..... I was just looking for ......."

"Let me guess, you're of to try and hunt with the rest of your pack" Sniffer cut in.

"How... how did you know?" Wolf spluttered.

"They passed me on their way to find some food. They warned me that you might try to follow, and told me if I found you, to send you home immediately" the large white wolf replied.

Wolf growled under his breath. After all this, he just gets sent home. He saw the leader of SnowPack staring into the distance. Wolf grabbed his chance. He dashed off, and the others gave chase. His mind was racing, trying to remember everything he had learned at his training sessions about escaping. Then he saw a puddle of mud. He jumped in it. It was gooey, but at least it masked his scent. Wolf sped onwards. He leaped through the trees and scrambled down hills, as he ran in search of his pack. Finally, he found them. There, in the distance, huddled a group of 10-20 wolves. Wolf couldn't wait. He was finally going to hunt with his pack!

The Wolves mini adventures book 1: cub on a huntWhere stories live. Discover now