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Leaving the lone wolf in the cells I ran toward the south border where my betas reported there to be a lone pack. Surprisingly when I arrived they weren't attacking.

"What is it that you want. We don't take kindly to lone wolves at the moment. Even when they aren't in our territory."

The lone wolf at the front of the group stepped forward slightly and began to try and negotiate. "Well, you have something of mine and I want it back. In return, I won't send these wolves of mine after you."

I laughed at his proposition. "I don't know what you think we have of yours but you won't be getting it. Threaten all you want."

The lone wolf's face began to frown. "I want that lone wolf you brought in. I caught his scent in the woods and it led here. I want my precious cargo back. He's mine."

My face screwed into a confused frown of its own. "What the hell do you want with an omega turned lone wolf?"

He seemed surprised, then grinned. "It seems Pack Law is keeping a few things from you, or maybe even they just found out recently. Doesn't matter you'll find out soon enough." The lone wolf then turned around and walked back into the forest.

After making sure that they were gone I marched right back to where the lone wolf resided. He had some explaining to do.

I walked in and grabbed the collar of his shirt through the bars."Why did you lie to me!? I thought you didn't know about the Lone Wolf Organization!" I was yelling in his face furiously.

I could tell that the boy, Koda, was back in control as he was a little more timid with me, but he still replied quiet calmly which surprised me as most wolves would be crying by now. "I don't know what you're talking about. I have no idea about some Lone Wolf Organization."

"Well your buddy outside seemed to beg to differ. I just had a nice chat with who was probably the leader of the Lone Wolf Organization who has put a claim on you as his." I hissed in his face. If his lies put my pack in jeopardy then I don't care what Pack Law says. I'm giving him right back to the lone wolves.

Koda stood their trapped by my grip on his collar with a confused face that soon turned into realization. His calm face went into one of complete panic. He pushed me off him with surprising force and began pacing his cell.

It was an odd sight to see him pace his cell. His personalities were changing constantly between himself, Losa and Saika. All of them talking aloud to each other in panic.

"We can't go back!"
"We know Koda"
"I won't let him take us Koda"
"But what if he finds us Saika?"
"He already has"
"I think it best we take Pack Law's offer"
"I agree with Losa. A lone wolf against a lone pack doesn't work."
"Alright fine. We rejoin into a pack. Then we find him and kill him."

The last part of their conversation was unsettling. Koda's voice sounded eerie. Like a torturer that has caught his prey and wants to play with it. It brought chills to my spine but I had other things I needed him to answer.

"What do you know about this man?"

Koda turned to face me, his face and demeanor calm again. "I actually don't know much about him. I do know that his name is Jason and his wolf is Mason."

"After the lone wolves slaughtered the pack I was captured as a slave. They kept me in a room that had the bars on the exits and I went through 'training' daily. Most days they used purple wolfs bane to make me more obedient and lenient when the had their fun. They used it so often that I'm almost immune to it. Anyway that's not the point." he paused for a second. It seemed that a few bad memories where arising.

"Every year a tall lanky man with blue eyes and blond hair would visit me. He'd always tell me that in a few years when I was trained and obedient that I'd be his. I never understood his obsession with me but without fail he visited every year. He talked to my captors about my progress and they would always say that there hadn't yet been a sign. He would sigh sadly and leave again."I was inclined not to believe his story, but the scars on his body proved that his story was more than likely true.

"Do you have any idea what he wants with you Koda?"

"No. I don't."

"Well, Pack Law apparently knows. You can question them when they get here, though you might have to give them the information they want if you want any in return." He scoffed in reply which honestly I could agree with him this time. Pack Law was overly stingy with information, even if the information involved the person. This has caused more than a few problems for packs around the world.

"Alright. Let's get you out of this cell and into a shower and new clothes. You are to stay in my room." He tried complaining about being kept in my room but I cut him off before he could even start.

"Ah. Don't even try to complain. Most of my pack do not know who you are or that I'm taking you out of your cell. To keep them from bothering or attacking your unknown scent that is in their territory I'm putting you in my room. It is off limits to everyone but my 1st beta, My parents, and my sister. I will inform them of the situation, so until I inform the entire pack of you presence, I want you to stay in my room."

Koda nodded reluctantly and followed me. The house was pretty empty since it was school hours and the teens that stay in the pack house where at school. Most of the adults where either working, training or sleeping in their rooms. It was easy walking Koda to my room without interruption.

I handed him some spare clothes and he went off to shower. I stayed in my bedroom grabbing some blankets from my closet and throwing them on my couch. I ran downstairs and grabbed some left over pasta and water for Koda to eat.

He stepped out of the bathroom as soon as I set his plate on my desk. "Here, I'll take your dirty clothes. Sit and eat." I passed him a fork, grabbed his clothes and moved him to my desk to eat. He still seemed slightly wary of me, unsurprisingly, but no longer seemed as scared of me as he was before. Actually, he seemed to stop being scared of me the moment he heard about the lone wolf leader. I need to find out more about him but for now Koda probably wanted some sleep.

"You can sleep on the couch over there. I'll grab you some blankets. Pack Law will be here tomorrow afternoon." I explained to him while  tossing a couple of blankets and pillows his way.

I left Koda in my room to take a shower and when I returned he was already asleep. Making sure he was good I hopped into my own bed and fell asleep as well.

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