Chapter 1: Opening

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Don't mess up, don't mess up, don't mess up.

I chanted this in my head as I took the shuttle to my new office. It was the first day at my internship; I'd landed a sweet gig at a major company, and I fully intended to stay.

The shuttle dropped five of us new interns to the front of the large office building, which was covered in glass panes and was around 40 floors high. I'd gotten to know them all during the interview days. We marveled at the office for a moment before entering together.

I was the last to walk up to the receptionist, since everyone else's managers had already come to pick them up, and greeted her enthusiastically. "Hi! I'm the new intern reporting to Mr. Chen. Will he be here to pick me up?"

"What's your name?"
"Jasmine. Jasmine Basara."

She quickly fired off a message to Mr. Chen, and told me that Mr. Chen had forgotten about picking me up and would send my mentor to pick me up instead.
I sighed. Forgotten already?

I started chatting with the receptionist, since she didn't seem busy and was quite friendly.
Before I left, I quickly pulled out a Polaroid camera I had in my bag and took a couple of selfies of the two of us. I gave her one of them, and kept the other one. She seemed flustered at all the sudden attention but smiled sweetly nonetheless.

I bounded off towards the elevators, eagerly looking at the elevator doors each time they opened. I hoped my mentor was the type that at least cared about the interns; I didn't want to get stuck in a team that brushed me off or ignored me.

Just as I was getting impatient, the elevator door by me opened and out walked two young men chatting with each other. One of them glanced at me, making eye contact; I stared at him expectantly, wondering if it was him.
He had messy black bangs that kissed his furrowed brows. The dress shirt he wore was unbuttoned at the top—no tie—just adding to his 'couldn't-care-less' vibe. His gaze was piercing, his whole expression seemed irritated. Rather than smile at me, he grimaced and looked down at the file in his hand. Stopping promptly, he slapped the file into the arms of the man next to him and gestured towards me.

It shifted my attention to the man by his side: a bright-looking young man with light brown locks of hair stared at me with innocent eyes. Then he scrutinized the file he'd been handed, I suppose to conclude that I was indeed the intern.

He stretched his hand out to me and smiled sweetly. "Hi. I hope you didn't have to wait too long. I'm sorry the manager forgot to pick you up. He's recovering from a bad flu. I'm Andy, your mentor."

I shook his hand and turned back to the black haired man, expecting an introduction. He just stood there quietly looking back at me. He seemed to be calculating something, but it soon turned to disinterest as he started walking back to the elevators. I stuck my hand out to block his path and offered it to him. He shook it back tentatively.

"I'm Jasmine. Are you also...?"
"Min Yoongi."

While I was trying to figure out whether Min was his first name or his last, Andy butted in, "No, Yoongi's not on our team. He's got his own new intern, who came up just a little bit ago. We'd all but forgotten you—" He saw my face turn to a little pout. "—Um, that you were coming in today. He reminded me! So I dragged him down here."

I glanced at Mr. Min, surprised but grateful. Slowly my face turned to a big smile and I nodded my head gratefully. "Thank you so much." He scratched his shirt, a little embarrassed, but ushered us into the elevator. "Um, don't worry about it."

. . .

Three annoying weeks have gone by since my internship started, and all I can say is... Min Yoongi, I hate you!

The only thing throbbing in my head hazily was my annoyance at the man in front of me, whose coat collar I was clutching onto. We were hardly a few inches apart. I hated the guts on this sadistic, irritating... and somehow handsome man. It just added insult to my injury! I glared into his eyes, which were a little dazed but were staring back at me with a mix of curiosity and annoyance of his own. For just a moment he inched his face closer to me and I impulsively pulled his neck down, connecting his lips to mine...

I saw my alarm reflected in his eyes after a second... wait, what am I doing?!

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