Chapter One

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Loud rock music blares from my nightstand. That can only mean one thing: it's 6:45 am and time to start my day. Groaning quietly, I roll over and tap the screen senselessly until the noise ceases. After weighing my options for skipping school, I drag myself out of bed and begin my day. I sift through the large mess of clothes stuffed in my open drawer, finding a pair of black  jeans, a bra, and my favorite shirt - a light grey floral tee. After getting dressed, I pull my hair out of my face and sloppily toss my blanket back into its rightful place. Scooping my bag up from in front of my nightstand, I sling it over my shoulder and head downstairs. Reaching the bottom stair, I contemplate what I'll have for breakfast or rather what I have time to make. I decide that toast and juice will do and I pop a slice of bread into the toaster. As I pour a glass of grape juice, the toaster dings weakly to alert me that it's finished. I took a couple of bites before I decided that I would take my breakfast on the road with me.

With a resigned sigh, I grab my backpack and keys and walk to the door. I unlock my car from inside the house and carry myself to the driver's side. The car reminds me of my grandfather each time I drive it; this was his car originally and he passed it down to me my sophomore year after he gave up on driving and passed away. I turn the car on and turn up the radio, listening for a moment before placing the car in reverse. Backing out a little too close to the mailbox, I wince and think to myself that my mother wouldn't notice nor care if I had hit it.

Finally arriving at my school, Lincoln High, I park in my usual spot near the front of the parking lot. Slipping on my lanyard, I reach to turn the car off then continue to grab my backpack from the passenger seat. Familiar faces spill out of cars and buses as I approach the student entrance. The chilly air conditioning hits me like a truck while walking into the cafeteria I rest my stuff at our designated morning table and begrudgingly reach for my English textbook to occupy my time. After reading for a bit, my two best friends and girlfriend walk into to the table. My friend Avery Walker, a brunette sophomore, enters first and is followed by her boyfriend, my elementary school best friend. His name is Tucker Osborne and he's a pudgy and quite goofy redhead. My girlfriend, Chloe Williams, is the last one here out of the four of us. Her curly black hair bounces as she practically skips over to our table; her chestnut brown eyes sparkle as they reflect the low budget fluorescent lighting. With the exception of Avery, we are all juniors.

My heart skips a beat when I see her dressed in a bright floral patterned dress and a stunning orange lipstick. Being the only other person that knows about my secret, I adore her for still loving me. Chloe sits down beside me and I gaze at her lovingly, taking in her beauty before softly kissing the tip of her nose. "Morning, sunshine," I say as I smile, and jokingly stick my tongue out at her. She blushes and pinches my cheeks, calling me a dork before saying good morning to our friends. Tucker rolls his eyes and smiles.

"Pffffffft. Get a room, lovebirds."

"Only when you two do," Chloe retorts back with a smirk and her signature goofy giggle, leaving me and Avery chuckling along with her. 

Once the laughter dies down, Tucker leans forward, keeping his voice low. The rest of us lean in as well, listening intently. He shoots a glance to the left and right before speaking. "Did you guys hear about the fight yesterday? It was insane! Two freshmen made the dumbass decision to jump that buff senior, Alexis. She beat the shit out of those freshies, but they deserved it if you ask me... Anyways, it took quite a few people to break it up and in the process she accidentally hit her boyfriend who was trying to hold her back. That's literally not even the worst part." He stops, making sure he has our attention. "She decked one of the assistant principals and she went to jail for a bit since she is eighteen. She might even get expelled, but the freshmen who started it are hardly in trouble." Tucker pauses again. "Fortunately for Alexis, the assistant principal isn't pressing charges so she's out of jail now" He leans back, folding his arms across his chest. We all raise our eyebrows and Avery lets out a dramatic whistle.

Before anyone can say anything else, the bell rings. The four of us sigh as if we're one, all of us slipping on our backpacks before we to head to our classes. Hand in hand, Avery and Tucker walk to their class while I walk with Chloe to hers. After a couple of minutes of fighting the crowd of underclassmen, we arrive at her APUSH class. I lightly stroke her cheek and we kiss before I make my way to English through the loud, pulsing swarm of other students.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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