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Devin closed out the video and clicked on another titled Archer's room angle 3. Great. Devin thought, now I have to sit through another who knows how many hours to figure this out. Devin sighed as the video began. He started watching the video for the next 18 hours, falling asleep for almost half of it. 

He paused the video as he saw June and Cyrus enter Archer's room, but the odd thing was the men that entered with them were holding something in their hand Devin couldn't quite see what it was but he felt as though whatever it was was important.

Devin played the video, watching with hesitation. He saw June talking to Archer while Cyrus and the men stood behind her. He noticed that Archer had started screaming and yelling. He turned around and grabbed his aluminum baseball bat about to hit one of the men, but then one of the men help up his gun to Archer. Devin's heart started racing scared to see the moment where Archer died. Is this it? Devin thought. He winced at the thought of seeing his friend die. He continued watching the video and saw Archer stop and he stood in his spot not putting his bat down and the man didn't put his gun down. Now, Cyrus was yelling at either the man or Archer, he could tell which because there was no sound.

Archer lunged forward with his bat and smacked the gun out of the man's hands with the bat. Archer kicked the man to the ground and started hitting the man with the bat. Devin didn't know he could be this violent. Archer's luscious jet black hair was bouncing with every hit he made. From behind him was the other man looking at Archer in shock trying to pull out his gun from the socket but it seemed to be stuck. However, June beat him to it. She grasped her gun from the patch on her boot and shot her "son" in the spine and Archer fell off the man.

Devin gasped and almost started crying. He thought his eyes were deceiving him, so he re-watched the clip and saw Archer get shot by June again. He continued watching and saw that Archer was still breathing. Devin tried not to burst into tears as he watched Archer take his last few breaths. June walked over to Archer and stood over him and said a few words that he couldn't hear then shot Archer in the heart, killing him. In the background was Cyrus who looked away and winced when the gunshot went off. Does Cyrus care about him? Was Devin's immediate thought, but June still killed Archer. Devin had been hoping it was an accident, but the video confirmed it wasn't. Devin wanted revenge now, he needed to avenge Archer's death. He felt obligated to do this for Archer.

Devin sat at Cyrus's desk trying to figure out what to do next. He got up to portal back to his house so that he could brainstorm ideas when he heart a sound like a bell, which meant someone had portal jumped into the house. Oh no, Devin thought, what if it's Cyrus and June? What if they find out I know what they did? Would they kill me?

Devin thought out all possible scenarios to get himself out of there. He wasn't sure whether it was smart to portal jump out because they would hear the sound and know someone was in the house. If they hear the portal jump they would check the footage and find me. They would know I was here and figure out I know something. Bad idea. Portal jumping is a no, Devin thought. He knew that trying to portal jump out would be a terrible idea.

Devin could feel and hear his heart pounding faster and faster through his chest. He could feel the adrenaline and fear coursing through his veins. Before Devin had time to devise a plan to escape, he heard something coming from outside the office. It was the sound of someone's thumbprint being scanned. There weren't many places Devin could find to hide before whoever was outside would come in to see him. Devin paced throughout the room frantically trying to find someplace to hide. Devin heard the door start to open and panicked tripping over the wire connected to the computer slamming into the back wall where a hatch opened and he fell back into a secret room.

WC: 747 words

A/N: And one more chapter of my original story. Hope it's enjoyable. I have more to edit which should be up soon since I have a lot of free time on my hands now.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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