coming home

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     They say home is where the heart is. 

     Thomas' heart was where the sweet, salty air mingled with laughter and conversation, the crackle of the bonfire and the lap of the waves.

     Where the friends he loved and cared about sat, enjoying signature meals and the assurance that everything is okay.

     Where his and Newt's hammock hung, surrounded by potted plants and strings of beads and shells, chiming in the breeze.

      Where the love of his life was.

      The Safe Haven.



     He stood at the front of the berg, watching out the large windshield as the Safe Haven drew closer and closer.

      A month and a half earlier, he, Minho,  and a few other immunes set off back to the remains of the last city. 

      Teresa, who was finally back to mostly good terms with everyone, had made more vials of the cure, and they took those vials to save people and bring them back.

     She had stayed back at the Safe Haven, partly because she was one of the best medics, and partly to keep Newt company while they waited for the group to return.

     Newt had stayed back, reasoning that he was not about to get infected again, not wanting to go through that or waste resources. 

     Before the group had left, Newt joked that he'd make sure the place didn't descend into chaos, and that he was second in command once for a reason.

     And now, they we're finally coming home.

     "Tom, is that the paradise? I can't really see!"

      A little girl stood beside him, no older than six, jumping in an attempt to see over the berg's dashboard. 

     "Yeah, it is." He smiled and lifted her onto his shoulders. "There you go, Morgan." 

She clapped excitedly. "We're on top of the world!"

      Morgan had been the first person cured. 

     Thomas remembered stumbling upon her and her parents's ramshackle camp, where he found her giggling and running around. 

     Black veins were clawing up her little legs, but she seemed quite unbothered by it. 

      Her parents had cautiously listened as Thomas explained what their mission was. They had called Morgan over let him administer the serum. 

     After that day- Morgan had named it 'the day tom saved me from the mean virus'- Thomas had spent most of his free time talking, drawing and playing with her.

     And now they were minutes away from home.

     When the berg landed, Thomas and Morgan walked out with a crowd of people who stared in awe at the Safe Haven. 

     Gathered around the berg were everyone else. Brenda and Jorge were welcoming people, Fry handing out small snacks and a few others passing out bottles of water, to name a few.

     "Tom, is that Newt? The guy you always talk about?" Morgan tapped Thomas' head and pointed to the right. 

     He glanced over, and sure enough, Newt stood waving and saying hello to the newcomers with a happy smile.

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