Maestro Roleplaying

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I did this first on Twitter then on Facebook and now on Instagram.
Not only did I play as him,I wanted a realistic look at him with fans who could roleplay as him too as me being his girlfriend or wife!
They'd be Maestro online and I'd be myself. Then I'd become him on the side. I started on Facebook. I had a sweet romantic online setting with a man named Paul Farance who would become a dead-ringer for Maestro offline too! He role played as Maestro with me for awhile. And for that time it seemed and felt real. I would roleplay on my tablet every night for a few months to a year. We were in love. Then just like that he left. He stopped roleplaying. I tried to fill the gap but I wasn't able. I tried roleplay with myself. It failed!
I looked for another Male roleplay as Maestro but none could be found.
A few years later I discovered Instagram.
And found the likes of roleplay with Lovelyghostmaestro and his artistic skills. I found Stalwartlegend and her sexy roleplay as Ghostofnoplace .
This worked well on Instagram .
I have befriended a few fans who would help make Maestro come to life for me.

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