Outcast atack pt 2

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Hiccup sat in his back room in the forge just thinking what to do.


" That will be the twins. TOOTHLESS!" He climbed his jet black dragon and flew to where the damage was.

"Come on guys you just destroyed my house! When my dad comes back Thor help me!" The twins flew away laughing.

"Hey hiccup...umm what happened to your house."astrid started to braid hiccups hair,

"Ask the twins." He was starting to go red from anger.

"Tell you what I grab ruffnut you grab tuffnut and let's lock them in an un cleaned dragon pen." astrid finished the braid and they both kissed.


"Do you think hiccup will be mad still?" ruffnut asked

"Nah he'll just blow it over like it was nothing." tuffnut said a little bit worried.

"Isn't that an outcast ship?"ruffnut asked

"No! that's a whole fleet of outcast ships! we have to tell hiccup. now!"

They flew to back to berk only to be greeted by hands grabbing them.

"Hiccup, Astrid outcasts are coming!" the hands released them and hiccup gave out orders,

"Astrid and you two go find fishlegs i'll find snotlout!"

They all met on the cost of berk,

"It's five ships!" astrid said quite annoyed

"It was foggy,"

"Just focus astrid you take the front ship snotlout you take the left ship fishlegs you take the right twins you take the back i'll take the middle!"

As soon as the others finished hiccup shot down to the middle catapults went off and he dodged them all, arrows fired he doges most but got hit in the arm and was bleeding badly.

"Let's finish this bud!" he shot the middle boat and flew to check point.

''Hiccup your bleeding are you akay?" astrid asked

"Y..y..yes l..lets land." he was stuttering from the blood loss. As soon as they landed hiccup fell off his dragon ...

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