Seeing things

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Seeing things

Chapter one

Evalya's POV


I was someone else, I don't know who, but I was definitely not me. Its a weird feeling, really, knowing your inside someone else's body.

We, a boy, a hot one at that, and I, were in a maze. He was getting pulled away by roots, a terrifying sight truly, horrid. I ran to help him after a few moments hesitation, but first I shot a spell.

I helped him up and let me just say, I would've kissed him right there if I had control of my body. Sadly, I didn't so I had to suck it up and do it if I ever met him. I doubt I will though.

" Thanks, mate. At first I thought you were just gonna let it drag me away." he said with a small smile.

I just gave a slight nod. Whoever this is prepare to get your as whipped if I ever see you. Unless your a boy, cause that'd be weird. I mean, you kissing another boy! Ew...

We fought over who should grab the trophy, we finally decided to grab it at the same time. When we did, we landed in a graveyard. I walked over and read a name on a tombstone. It read Tom Riddle.

" I've been here." I said.

We conversed for like, 45 seconds until worm tail shot Diggory, I seen it sewn on his back, with the killing curse. Then worm tail dragged Harry, I heard Diggory call me it, and Peter cut off his own hand into a pot!!! He is seriously demented...

Then he sliced Harry's arm. I could feel Harry's pain. And, mhmhmh, it did not feel bloody good at all. I suddenly woke up, after seeing a form come out of the pot and turn into a man.


I heard a loud scream. Then I realized, it was mine. I just watched someone die. They had a cold lifeless look in their eyes, so disturbing.

Uncle Albus came in then, just as I started sobbing. A tough job being a seer, seeing things you can't change. But watching someone bloody die? That is just not right.

" Eva, what's wrong dear?" he said sitting at the end of my bed and putting his hand on mine.

" He died. I couldn't do anything. I watched him die." I whimper.

" Who?" he asked.

" Cedric Diggory." I sob covering my face in my hands.

" Get your diary and write your dream down." he sends me a sympathetic look.

" Okay." I say wiping my face and going into my closet. I go to the back where I knock a special code, once, twice, once, thrice, once.

The door opens and a painting of my mother stands in front of me. I smile weakly at her. She smiles back sadly.

" Vision?" she asks softly.

" Watching someone die is not right, honestly. Demented I tell you." I shake my head.

" Poor thing." she says.

" Thank you. Evening Rose." I said. It was my password.

Rosie was my mothers name. She was the only one to ever call me Eve. To everyone else I was Eva, or Evalya. I hated people even asking my middle name, it's Rose by the way.

I picked Evening Rose because Rose is based off of Rosie, and evening has Eve in it. It's also my favorite time of day.

Rosie smiled genuinely at me and swung open. I walked through to a room with rushing tornados. I smirked to myself. My hair started whipping around.

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