Nineteen Years Later

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Nineteen Years Later

Evalya's POV

I sob into Evan Teller's shoulder. I hug my little girl Aurora tighter as her brother Albus hugs his father one last time before hugging me.

" Al, promise me something." I tell my little boy.

" Yeah, Mum?" Albus asks.

" Make me proud." I smile sadly.

" I will Mum." He squeezes me tighter.

" And remember, baby. No matter what house, even if your a Slytherin', we will always love you." I kiss his forehead.

" Mum! Why can't I go! I want to!" Aurora cries.

" Your to young, Rora." I giggle.

" Please!" she begs.

" Maybe in three years." I say kissing her head.

" Okay." she sulks.

" Albus, we love you so much, owl us as much as you can. Harmony! Where is she?" I ask.

" We already sent her to Hogwarts." Evan said rolling his eyes.

" Right." I nod.

" Alright, now go Albus, we wouldn't want you to miss your train on your first day would we?" Evan asks.

Albus shakes his head, hugs us one more time, and hops on the train. I look around the station for anyone I know so I can cry on their shoulder.

I spot Draco Malfoy with a familiar looking blonde. Hmm... she looks like my old childhood friend, Astoria Kale. I squint harder.

" Baby, what are you doing?" Evan asks.

" Hun, is that, Astoria?" I ask pointing to the blonde.

" Won't find out if we don't ask." he smiles.

" I love you!" I squeal, kissing his cheek.

" I love you too." he said kissing me back.

I dragged him over to the Malfoy's. As I got closer, I realized it was her. I squeal in delight and drag Evan faster to them. A few feet away I let go of Evan and set Aurora down.

" Watch Daddy, okay?" I tell her.

She just smiles at me and grabs her fathers hand. Evan rolls his eyes at me. I stick me tongue out at him and walk towards the Malfoy's.

" Evalya? Is that you?" she asks I disbelief.

" The one and only me!" I say proudly.

She runs towards me and flings her arms over my shoulders, I hug back equally happy to see my best friend again.

" Daddy who's that?" I hear a little boy ask.

" I don't know." Draco answers truthfully.

We let go of each other and I can't help but let my huge smile take over my whole face.

" I am the proud best fried of yours truly." I say draping an arm I've Astoria's shoulder.

" Really?" Draco asks in disbelief.

" When my mum died, I move in with Uncle Albus, I never got to see Astoria again." I say sadly, frowning.

" She just disappeared." Astoria says frowning too, she snapped her fingers.

" Just like that." then she points to a little girl.

" Why does she look so much like you?" she asked.

" She's my little girl, Aurora. I also have Albus, my oldest." I smile proudly.

" Who'd you tie the knot with?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

" Evan Teller." I mumble.

" Who?" she asked cupping her ear.

" Evan Teller." I mumble a little louder.

" Speak up, Hun, I can't hear you." she rolled her eyes.

I sigh.

" Evan Teller." I blush.

" You mean, Evey?" she asks in disbelief.

" My childhood crush, yes. I do mean him." I huff.

" Oh I'm so happy for you!" She squealed pulling me in for another hug.

" And who may this little cutie be?" I ask getting down to her sons level.

" Scorpius, my baby." She said proudly.

" Awe! He's so cute!" I say hugging him.

He stiffens and awkwardly pays my back. I pull back to look at him. I notice he looks like his father but has the build of his mother. I put my hand out to shake.

" Evalya Teller." I say shaking his hand.

" Scorpius Malfoy." he says back.

" Well, I better get going! Evan probably got lost again." I roll my eyes and stand up.

" Again?" Draco asks raising an eyebrow.

" This would be the," I count on my fingers," eight time." I say.

" He always did have a horrible sense of direction." Astoria shakes her head.

" Aurora! There you are!" I hear Evan say.

" Five... four... three... two..." I count down under my breath.

" Mummy! Daddy got lost again!" Aurora tattled running to me, pointing to a wry confused Evan a yard away.

When he saw us he sighed in relief. He jogged over to us.

" There you are!" he said snaking an arm around my waist.

" How long?" I demand.

" 10 minutes Mummy! 10!" Aurora says holding up ten fingers.

Evan just smiles sheepishly at me. I roll my eyes and wave to the Malfoys. I spot the Potters and Weasley's saying goodbye to their kids.

" Evan lets go over there." I say to Evan, picking Aurora up. I look behind me and all around me.

" Evan?" I call.

Lost again, it seems.

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