Chapter Five

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The smell of pancakes filled my nose and I immediately opened my eyes. Following my continuous blinking session, I looked around my room, trying to detect where the smell was coming from. My legs slipped out from underneath my fury blanket where I stayed contently warm and trudged to the bathroom that was connected to my room.

After scanning my face for ugliness, which I found again and ignored, I ran by hand through my frizzy hair and decided to throw it into a ponytail. Once I had rolled up the waist ban twice on my sweat pants, I jogged down the stairs, my sock-covered feet almost slipping on the wood.

Jed was humming an unfamiliar song while making chocolate chip pancakes. My hands rested on my hips as I watched him create our meal. “How did I not hear you?” I asked, my brown eyebrows rising.

He smiled down at the stove, his eyes trained on the breakfast. “I didn’t slam the door this time,” he grinned before returning to his subtle hum that filled the kitchen. I walked over to the island and sat on the counter, legs dangling below me.

“Thank god. Now you know how I act when I wake up at 10 a.m. on a weekend,” I smirked, thinking back to the past week where he had come in when I was sleeping to surprise me with breakfast but ended up waking me, which was completed with a bitchy attitude.

He dropped the pancake on top of a plate. “Yeah,” he chuckled, “I won’t be doing that ever again.” It was then I noticed he was humming Sweet Child O’ Mine, the song he had wrote in my sketchbook a month earlier. Plenty had happened since then, including the fact that we practically lived in each other’s homes and Pierce began a love-hate relationship with him.

I nodded sarcastically as he finished with the breakfast. “Good idea,” I smirked when he turned around, his frame leaning against the counter. He proceeded to pick up the two plates and took them to the table where I hungrily followed.

I sat down eagerly as he placed the food in front of me. I dug in, not caring about manners. It was my house, and if I wanted to eat like a pig because I was hungry, I could. No parents were there to stop me.

“How did you finish it that quickly?” he practically gasped as he sat down with a glass of milk in hand.

I giggled, “You know I love chocolate chip pancakes.” My feet fumbled slightly, but I managed to get off of my chair and shuffle to his lap where I sat comfily down. “More,” I demanded in a nice tone.

He chuckled faintly before cutting up some of his own pancakes and plopping a bite in my, impatiently waiting, open mouth. Jed continued to feed himself after that when I demanded for more. “Really?” his eyebrow rose teasingly. My head nodded once. “Fine,” he grumbled, putting more pancake in my mouth.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! Next will be longer!

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